Employee Expenses

Use Employee Expenses to record travel and automobile expenses, or use whenever an employee needs to file an expense report.


When you post an employee expense transaction file, DPS makes the following entries for each expense detail line:

  • On the accrual basis general ledger balance sheet:
    • Debits the account specified in the expense detail line's transaction data entry file, for the expense amount.
    • Credits the account specified in the Employee Expense field on the Posting tab of Settings > Accounting > Company for the expense amount.
  • Debits the account specified in the expense detail line's transaction data entry file, for the expense amount.
  • Credits the account specified in the Employee Expense field for the expense amount.

DPS makes no cash-basis entries in this scenario.

Posting Log

Use a posting log to view information about a batch of transactions. DPS produces a posting log each time that you post a transaction file.

In addition to the posting log, DPS generates a General Ledger Summary for employee expenses. This report lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by the posting. The report shows the total amounts debited and credited to each account. If the Tax Auditing option in Settings > Accounting is enabled, tax-related fields will also display on the report.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, you can modify or post only those transaction files owned by the active company.

Multiple Currencies

If you use Time and Expense and the amount being calculated is in the same currency as the payment currency, then employee expense posting uses the payment amount (rather than the result of a currency exchange based on the transaction amount). For example:

  • The transaction currency is EUR.
  • The payment currency is USD.
  • The project's functional, project. or billing currency is also USD.

Rather than perform a currency exchange from EUR to USD, DPS uses the payment amount.