Posting Logs Created Outside the Transaction Center

A number of posting logs are created in applications outside the Transaction Center.

Posting Log Description
Inventory Posting Log If you use the Inventory feature of the Purchasing application, you can access posting logs for inventory-related transactions on a posting log but records for the original transaction entries are available only from the Inventory feature, where they were entered.
Billing Unit Transfers Posting Log DPS produces a Billing Unit Transfers posting log each time that you post billing unit transfers. The log lists all billing unit transfers posted during that session. In addition, DPS generates a General Ledger summary for Billing Unit Transfers. This report lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by the posting. The report also shows the total amounts debited and credited to each account.
Billing Labor Transfers Posting Log DPS produces a Billing Labor Transfers posting log each time that you post billing labor transfers. The log lists all billing labor transfers posted during that session. In addition, DPS generates a General Ledger summary for Billing Labor Transfers. This report lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by the posting. The report also shows the total amounts debited and credited to each account.
Billing Expense Transfers Posting Log DPS produces a Billing Expense Transfers posting log each time that you post billing expense transfers. The log lists all billing expense transfers posted during that session. In addition, DPS generates a General Ledger summary for Billing Expense Transfers. This report lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by the posting. The report also shows the total amounts debited and credited to each account.
Benefit Hours Processing Posting Log DPS produces a Benefit Hours Processing posting log each time that you post benefit hours processed. The log lists all benefit hours processed posted during that session.
Convert Project's Organization Posting Log DPS produces a Convert Project's Organization posting log each time that you post converted project organizations. The log lists all converted project organizations posted during that session. In addition, DPS generates a General Ledger summary, which lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by changes to a project's organization.
Employee Payment Processing Posting Log DPS produces an Employee Payment Processing posting log each time that you post employee payments. The log lists all employee payments posted during that session. In addition, DPS generates a General Ledger summary for Employee Payments. This report lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by the posting. The report also shows the total amounts debited and credited to each account.
Revenue Generation Posting Log DPS produces a Revenue Generation posting log each time that you post revenue. The log lists all revenue posted during that session. In addition, DPS generates a General Ledger summary for Revenue Generation. This report lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by the posting. The report also shows the total amounts debited and credited to each account.
Gains/Losses and Revaluations Posting Log DPS produces a Gains and Losses posting log each time that you post gains and losses. The log lists all gains and losses posted during that session.
Key Conversion Posting Log DPS produces a Key Conversion posting log each time that you run a key conversion. The log lists all records that were impacted by the key conversion, and includes the old value, the new value, and how it was changed.
Payroll Posting Log and Payroll Journal Posting Log Each time that you post payroll, DPS produces two posting logs:
  • The Payroll posting log lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by the posting and shows the total amounts debited and credited to each account.
  • The Payroll Journal posting log displays the employee posting detail, including the rate in effect at the time of posting, benefit hours, direct deposit information, and so on.