Print or Preview a Posting Log

A posting log enables you to view information about a batch of transactions.

DPS produces a posting log each time that you post a transaction. The log lists all disbursements posted during that session. Settings provides an option that you can set to print posting logs automatically when a transaction is posted.

To print a posting log:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Transaction Center > Posting Logs.
  2. In the Transaction Type field on the Posting Logs form, select a transaction type. The Transaction grid lists all transaction files. To view only those transactions that you created, select Show only transactions created by me.

    The transaction type list is filtered based on your security role's access rights. If you use multiple companies, this list is further refined based on the active company. See the Accounting tab of Role Security for more information.

  3. Highlight the transaction files for which you will print a log. A posting log can be identified by the posting sequence number or the date and time stamp of the posting.
  4. Click the Posting Log icon on the toolbar.
  5. Click Print on the Posting Log menu to send the posting log to your default printer or click Preview to view the posting log on your screen.
    • If you selected Show Report Options on the Transaction List menu, an Options dialog box displays, which you can use to set reporting options.
    • If the transaction has associated supporting documents, the document icon displays in the Supporting Documents column. If you are viewing the report from the Preview window for AP Vouchers, AP Disbursements, or Employee Expense transactions, you can click this icon to launch the supporting documents in your PDF browser. However, if you are viewing the report as a PDF, clicking the icon does not open the supporting documents.