Toolbar of the AP Vouchers Form

Use toolbar options to create and work with AP voucher transaction records.


Field Description
Save Click this option to save your entries on the form.
New Click this option to add a new transaction record to the current transaction file.
Delete Voucher Click this option to delete the currently displayed AP voucher transaction.
Submit File This option displays only if you configured DPS to require that transaction files be approved before they are posted. Click this option to submit the transaction entry file that you currently have open for approval.

You turn on and configure the Transaction Center approvals feature on the Transaction Center Approvals tab of the Accounting Company Settings form (Settings > Accounting > Company).

Approve This option displays only if you configured DPS to require that transaction files be approved before they are posted. Click this option to approve the transaction entry file that you currently have open.

You turn on and configure the Transaction Center approvals feature on the Transaction Center Approvals tab of the Accounting Company Settings form.

Reject This option displays only if you configured DPS to require that transaction files be approved before they are posted. Click this option to reject the transaction entry file that you currently have open.

You turn on and configure the Transaction Center approvals feature on the Transaction Center Approvals tab of the Accounting Company Settings form.

Voucher Lookup Click this option to display a lookup of available voucher records.
Currency Click this option to display the Currency Override dialog box, which you can use to override the exchange rate for the current transaction, or to select a different transaction currency for the current transaction.
File Click this option and then select one of the following:
  • New File: This option displays the New File dialog box, on which you create a new transaction file.
  • Open File: Use the Transaction grid to select and open an existing transaction file.
  • Control Totals: This option displays the Control Totals dialog box, where you can view or modify control totals for the current transaction, specify that the file is recurring, and set defaults for tax codes and bank codes.
  • Change Dates: Use this option to change the transaction date and, if transaction date validation is implemented, the file end date for the current transaction file. This option is only available if the transaction file is recurring.
  • Clear Amounts: This option clears (zeros out) the amounts entered for a recurring transaction.
  • Reverse Amounts: Use this option to reverse all amounts (multiply by negative one) in a recurring transaction.
  • Recreate File: For correct posting to occur, you must recreate any recurring files that were already posted.
Help Click this option to display online help.