Undoing a Posting When You Use the Credit Card Feature

The Credit Card Reconciliation application is affected when you undo an expense report posting that contains company-paid credit card charges or you undo an AP disbursement posting for which the disbursement was paid by credit card.

Expense Reports

When you undo an expense report posting that has company-paid credit card charges, the following occur:
  • The unposted expense report becomes available again in My Stuff > Expense Report with all its original charges.
  • If the credit card charges were imported and they have a transaction ID: The charges that were listed on the Charges tab in Cash Management > Credit Card Reconciliation when the expense report was posted remain on the Charges tab, but the amount in the Posted field is removed. The Posted status is removed and is replaced with In-progress, Approved, or Submitted, based on the status of the expense report before it was unposted.
  • If the credit card charges were not imported: The charges that were listed on the Charges tab in Cash Management > Credit Card Reconciliation when the expense report was posted are removed completely from the Charges tab.

AP Disbursements

When you undo an AP disbursement posting that was paid with a company-paid credit card (in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry, you selected Credit Card in the Payment Method field on the New File dialog box), the following occur:
  • If the credit card charges were imported and they have a transaction ID: The charges that were listed on the Charges tab in Cash Management > Credit Card Reconciliation when the AP disbursement was posted remain on the Charges tab, but the amount in the Posted field is removed.
  • If the credit card charges were not imported: The charges that were listed on the Charges tab in Cash Management > Credit Card Reconciliation when the AP disbursement was posted are removed completely from the Charges tab.