Contents of the Time Periods Form

Use this form to set up and manage timesheet periods.


Field Description
Company Name If you have multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form. You enter timesheet periods for each company.

Time Periods Grid

Set up timesheet periods in this grid.

Grid Tools

Field Description
+ Add Time Period Click this option below the grid to add a blank row to the grid, and set up a timesheet period in the row.
+ Add Multiple Time Periods Click this option below the grid to open the Add Multiple Time Periods dialog box. The information that you enter on this dialog box is used to automatically add multiple timesheet periods in rows in the Time Period grid.
Hover over a row in the grid, click at the end of the row, and select one of the following options from the shortcut menu to apply to the row:
  • Copy: Click this option to copy the selected timesheet period into a blank row to create a new timesheet period. You can then edit the fields in the row for the new timesheet period as needed.
  • Delete: Click this option to delete the selected timesheet period from the grid. When you delete a timesheet period, all timesheets that are entered in that period are deleted from DPS. However, the timesheet data that was posted is not removed from DPS. The posted data is still reflected in employee and project reports.
Click this icon at the top right of the grid to filter the list of timesheet periods in the grid. When you click this icon, a blank row is added to the top of the grid. In any of the fields in the row, enter text to filter the list. The grid displays only the timesheet periods that fit the criteria that you entered in the field. For example, in the blank row, select Closed in the Status field to see only the closed timesheet periods in the grid. To clear the filter criteria, select the value in the field and delete it. Click again to close the filter.
or To sort the grid rows by one of the grid columns in ascending or descending order, hover over the column heading and click or to the right of the column heading.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Start Date Specify or view the start date for the timesheet period. After you enter and save a row in the grid, you cannot change the start date. To change the start date you must delete the row and re-enter the correct information in a new row.
End Date Specify or view the end date for the timesheet period. After you enter and save a row in the grid, you cannot change the start date. To change the start date you must delete the row and re-enter the correct information in a new row.
Status Click this field and select a status for the timesheet period. The status determines which timesheet processing options are available to employees for the timesheet period. An employee's administrative level, which is set up on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub, affects the processing options available to them based on the timesheet period status.

The options are:

  • Open: The timesheet period is open to all employees. Employees with a Staff administrative level can enter, edit, and submit timesheets. Employees with a Group, Company, or System administrative level can enter, edit, submit, and approve any timesheet to which they have access.
  • Administrators: The timesheet period is closed to employees with a Staff administrative level, but is open to employees with a Group, Company, and System administrative level. Employees with Staff access cannot enter, edit, or submit timesheets. Employees with a Group, Company, or System administrative level can enter, edit, submit, and approve any timesheet to which they have access.
  • System Administrators: The timesheet period is closed to employees with a Staff, Group, or Company administrative level, but is open to employees with a System administrative level.
    • Employees with a Staff administrative level cannot enter, edit, or submit timesheets.
    • Employees with a Group administrative level cannot enter, edit, submit, or approve timesheets.
    • Employees with a Company administrative level cannot enter, edit, submit, or approve timesheets.
    • Employees with a System administrative level can still enter, edit, submit, and approve any timesheet to which they have access.
  • Closed: The timesheet period is closed to employees with a Staff, Group, Company, or System administrative level. All employees are prevented from entering, editing, submitting, or approving timesheets in the period.

All employees can open and print any timesheet to which they have access, whether the timesheet period status is Open, Administrators, System Administrators, or Closed.

Week or Timesheet Period Number If you select Yes for the Enable Period Number field on this form, a fourth column displays in the timesheet periods grid with the heading that you selected in the Time Period Label field on this form. The column headings choices are Week or Timesheet Period Number.

This column displays the sequential week number or period number for the timesheet period. These numbers are automatically assigned and are based on the number that you entered in the First Timesheet Period Number field on the Add Multiple Time Periods dialog box when you initially set up Time.


Field Description
Enable Period Number Select Yes to refer to timesheet periods by a number (for example "Time Period 5") instead of by date range on timesheet screens and reports. A sequential number is assigned to each timesheet period, based on the number that you enter in the First Timesheet Period Number field on the Add Multiple Time Periods dialog box. The number assigned to a timesheet period displays in the Week or Timesheet Period Number field in the Time Periods grid on this form.
Time Period Label This field displays if you selected Yes in the Enable Period Number field. In the Time Period Label field, select the label that will display beside the timesheet period numbers on the timesheet screens and reports to identify the timesheet periods. A fourth column is also added to the Time Periods grid on this form using the label you select in this field.

The options are:

  • Week: Select this option if you have weekly timesheets. Example: the screen or a report displays "Week x"
  • Timesheet Period Number: Select this option if your timesheet periods are not weekly. Example: the screen or a report displays: "Timesheet Period Number x"