Acknowledge a Billing Labor Transfer

You may receive a notification that you entered timesheet hours incorrectly. When this happens, you can acknowledge the transfer of hours from one project, task, phase, or labor code to another.

When timesheet hours are entered incorrectly, the biller or project manager can use Billing Labor Transfers to transfer hours from one project, phase, task, or labor code to another. When alerts are configured, affected employees (or their supervisor/administrator) receive an alert through the Notification Center.
Your access to this feature requires the following:
  • Your system administrator has set up the Labor Billing Transfer Audit alert in the desktop application in Settings > General > Company Alerts, in the Time folder.
  • Enable Billing Transfer Audit is set to Yes in Settings > Time > Timesheet Audit.

To acknowledge a billing transfer:

  1. Click the alert in the Notification Center to open your timesheet.
  2. Click Actions > Acknowledge Transfers.
  3. Review the fields on the Billing Transfer Audit dialog box. The Status column indicates the state of each row. You can click the links in the Transfer Detail column to see the transferred from/to details for the project, phase, task, labor code, and labor category.
  4. Do any of the following to acknowledge transfers:
    • Click Not Reviewed in the Status column for a single item and toggle the drop-down to Acknowledge.
    • Select multiple rows (consecutive or non-consecutive) and then click Actions > Acknowledge Selected.
    • Click Actions > Acknowledge All to globally update the status for all the rows currently visible in the grid.
    After rows are acknowledged, they are no longer visible unless Include Acknowledged Transfers is checked at the top of the dialog box. If they are visible, the Reviewed By and Reviewed Date columns update for the selected rows.
  5. Do one of the following to update the status for acknowledged rows:
    • Click Acknowledged in the Status column for a single item and toggle the drop-down to Reset.
    • Manually select multiple rows and then click Actions > Reset Selected.
    • Click Actions > Reset All to globally update the status for all the rows currently visible in the grid.
    The Reviewed By and Reviewed Date columns are cleared for the selected rows.
  6. Click Close to return to your timesheet.