Contents of the Print Report Dialog Box

Use the options on this dialog box to preview or print the Detailed Timesheet or Summarized Timesheet report for a timesheet.

Field Description
Select Report Type Select one of the following reports to print:
  • Detailed Timesheet: This report includes all the information that is entered on a timesheet.
  • Summarized Timesheet: This report is a summarized version of the Detailed Timesheet report.
Page Break by Project Select this check box if you want timesheet data for each project to begin at the top of a new page.
Include Revision Audit Report Select this check box to include a Revisions section at the end of the report that identifies all the revisions that were made to the timesheet. This check box displays only if Enable Revision Audit is set to Yes for an employee in Settings > Time > Timesheet Audit.
Preview Click this button to preview the timesheet report as a PDF file. To save or print the file, click File > Save as or File > Print in the previewed PDF file.