Contents of the Timesheets Form: Hours

If you set the Hours/Units toggle on the Timesheet form to Hours or if no Hours/Units toggle is available, the fields in the Timesheets grid support the entry of regular and overtime hours.


Field Description
Timesheet search
Use the search field to search for and select the timesheet that you want to review, update, or submit. The options that you see are dependent on the administration level for your employee record on the Time tab in Hubs > Employees in the desktop application:
  • Staff: You can access only your own timesheet.
  • Group: You can access timesheets for employees assigned to the timesheet groups to which you have access.
  • Company: You can access timesheets for employees who are in your home company.
  • System: You can access timesheets for all employees.

Click the filter drop-down arrow on the left side of the search field and select a search type. These search filters include timesheets from other companies if your firm has multiple companies.

If you can access only your own timesheet, the following search filters are available:
  • Current Period: Display your timesheet for the period including today's date.
  • Previous Period: Display your timesheet for the period before the current period.
  • All: Display all your timesheets.
  • All Pending Approval: Display timesheets that are waiting for your approval. This filter appears only if you are authorized to approve your own timesheets and you have an approval assignment for the current step in the workflow.
  • [saved custom search filter ]: Select a previously saved custom filter to display the timesheets returned by that search.
  • Custom: Display the Custom Search dialog box where you can create and apply a custom search filter, which you can save for future use. The Custom Search dialog box includes timesheet fields, such as Period Status and Timesheet Status. You can also add additional search criteria to the dialog box to filter your search. Custom searches are limited based on your approval role and access rights.
If you can access other employees' timesheets, the following search filters are available:
  • My Timesheets: Display a list of all your timesheets.
  • All Current Period: Display a list of timesheets for all accessible employees for the period including today's date.
  • All Previous Period: Display a list of timesheets for all accessible employees for the period before the current time period.
  • All Missing: Display a list, by time period, of timesheets that are missing for all accessible employees for the period before the current time period. When you select a missing timesheet, a new timesheet is automatically created and the status value is reported as In Progress.
  • All in Progress: Display a list of timesheets for all accessible employees that were started but not yet submitted for approval.
  • All Submitted: Display a list of timesheets for all accessible employees that were submitted for approval and have not yet been approved.
  • All Pending Approval: Display a list of timesheets for all accessible employees that are waiting for approval. This filter appears even if you are not responsible for the approvals. The number of timesheets awaiting your approval displays with the filter results.
  • Custom: Display the Custom Search dialog box where you can create and apply a custom search filter, which you can save for future use. With the ability to access others' timesheets enabled, additional search fields are available on the Custom Search dialog box such as Employee Name to search for employees on accessible timesheets, Employee Status to search specifically for active, inactive or terminated employees, and Timesheet Group to search for employees that belong to a specific timesheet group as set up in Time Settings. After applying a custom search, you can type in the search field above the results to filter them or click next to Sorting Options to select whether you want to sort by period end date or employee name.

From the search results list, select the timesheet to display on the Timesheets form.

For information about creating and using searches, see the following topics in Basics:
# of # The currently-selected timesheet and number of timesheets in the current search display to the right of the search field. Click the left and right arrows to view them in sequence.
+ Add Timesheet Click this option to create a timesheet for yourself or other employees. In the drop-down menu list, select one of the following:
  • For Myself: Create a new timesheet for yourself. In the Add Timesheets dialog box, select the timesheet period and the company for the timesheet if you have multiple company and you are active in more than one company.
  • For Someone Else: Create a new timesheet for another employee. This option displays only if you have the appropriate access rights to create timesheets for other employees. In the Add Timesheets dialog box, select the employee, timesheet period, and the company for the timesheet if you have multiple company and the employee is active in more than one company.
Employee Name The name of the employee associated with the timesheet displays below the search field. You can click the employee name to open the Employee Card dialog box and view additional information about the employee.
Company Name If you have multiple companies, the name of the active company displays below the employee name.
This icon displays between the employee's name and the timesheet period when the timesheet is locked. You can display and print a locked timesheet but you cannot make changes to it. Timesheets are locked to prevent changes under the following circumstances:
  • The timesheet was submitted, and you are not allowed to resubmit timesheets.
  • The timesheet is posted.
  • The timesheet period is closed.
Timesheet Period Date Range The start and end dates for the selected timesheet period display beside the employee's name.
Hours/Units This toggle switch allows you to specify timesheet values in hours and/or units. Depending on the selected setting, the fields on the form allow you to enter either hours or units. This switch is available on the Timesheets form only if the Enable Unit Entry field is set to Yes on the Options tab in Settings > Time and if Allow Employee to charge Units in Timesheet is selected on the Time tab of the Employees hub in the desktop application.
Actions Bar Use the buttons and Actions menu options to perform any of the following tasks:
  • Save: Select this option to save your timesheet entries.
  • Submit: Select this option to submit the current timesheet for approval processing. In the Confirm Electronic Signature dialog box, enter your signature and password and click OK to submit the timesheet. After you submit, the timesheet status changes to Submitted.
  • Copy Previous Timesheet: Select this option to copy all rows from another timesheet into the currently displayed timesheet. On the Copy a Timesheet dialog box, use the drop-down menu to select the timesheet you want to copy into the current timesheet. Only the project/phase/task/labor code/billing category combinations are copied; the hours or units are not. If the Labor Code column is not available or your security role does not have rights to change the labor code, the labor code for copied rows is set to the default. If the Labor Category column is not available, the labor category for copied rows is set to the default.
  • Copy Planned Hours: Select this option to populate timesheets with data from projects for which you have planned hours. The project, phase, task, and labor code are entered on the timesheet for each assignment. This option is available if the Resource Planning application is activated on the Modules tab in Settings > General Settings.
  • Request New Absence: Select this option to enter and submit an absence request. This option is available if at least one absence accrual is checked in the Use Approval Workflow for Absence Requests column on the Absence Accrual Setup tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > Time Analysis in the desktop application.
  • Previous Absence Requests: Select this option to display the Previous Requested Absence dialog box, where you can update comments, see workflow progress information, or delete requests that are no longer needed. This option is available if at least one absence accrual is checked in the Use Approval Workflow for Absence Requests column on the Absence Accrual Setup tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > Time Analysis in the desktop application.
  • Acknowledge Transfers: Select this option to open the Billing Transfer Audit dialog box, where you can review and acknowledge billing labor transfers.
  • Floor Check: Select this option to review the status of time entry for your employees.
  • Print: Select this option to print the displayed timesheet.
Click this icon to control whether or not a timesheet report prints automatically when you submit a timesheet. On the Timesheet Settings dialog box, select from the following options:
  • Select Detailed Timesheet to print the timesheet entries for a single employee and labor period. The report includes all information entered on the employee's timesheet.
  • Select Summarized Report to print a summarized view of timesheet entries for a single employee and labor period. This report is a more compact version of the Detailed Timesheet report, without work breakdown structure names or timesheet comments.
  • Select Do Not Print Report to prevent a timesheet report from printing automatically when you submit a timesheet.
  • Select Page Break by Project if you want timesheet data for each project to print on a separate page. This setting remains in effect until you select it again to clear it.
  • Select Include Revision Audit Report to include revision audit information at the end of the Detailed Timesheet report or Summarized Timesheet report. This option is only available if revision auditing is enabled for the employee. This setting remains in effect until you select it again to clear it.
Period Status This field displays the status of the timesheet period:
  • Open: The timesheet period is open for processing. Users with Staff access can open a timesheet, enter and edit data, and submit the timesheet. Users with Group, Company, or System access can enter, edit, submit, and approve any timesheet to which they have access.
  • Closed: The timesheet period is closed for processing. Users with Staff access can open, copy, or print a timesheet, but cannot enter or edit timesheet data, or submit it. Users with Group, Company, or System access can still enter, edit, submit, and approve any timesheet to which they have access.
  • Closed to Staff: The timesheet period status is set to Administrators in the Status field on the Time Periods tab in Settings > Time and you have Group, Company, or System access rights set in the Administration Level field on the Time tab of the Employees hub in the desktop application. You can open and copy your timesheet, enter and edit data, and submit it if resubmitting is allowed.
  • Closed to Group Admin: The timesheet period status is set to System Administrators in the Status field on the Time Periods tab in Settings > Time and you have Company or System access rights set in the Administration Level field in the Time tab of the Employees hub in the desktop application. You can open and copy your timesheet, enter and edit data, and submit it.
Week or Timesheet Period Number If Enable Period Number is selected on the Time Periods tab in Settings > Time, this field displays either the week number, if you have weekly timesheet periods, or the timesheet period number. Use this field as a reference to ensure that you are editing the correct timesheet.
Timesheet Status This field displays the current processing stage of the timesheet and determines what actions you can take. The possible settings are:
  • In Progress: The timesheet is incomplete and not submitted. You can enter and edit timesheet data and print the timesheet.
  • Submitted: The timesheet is submitted for processing but not yet approved. You can open and print the timesheet but you cannot enter or edit data on it unless your security access allows you to resubmit timesheets.
  • Approved: The timesheet is approved and ready to be posted. You can open and print the timesheet but you cannot enter or edit data on it unless your security access allows you to resubmit timesheets.
  • Posted: The timesheet is posted. You can open and print the timesheet but you cannot enter or edit data on it.

Your system administrator can change the status of a timesheet at any time before the timesheet is posted.

Approvals This field displays when the timesheet is submitted and you have the employee timesheet workflow enabled.
Click this icon to display an info bubble that provides information on the current approval status.
Approval Options Approval options are available when:
  • The approval workflow for timesheet is enabled.
  • The timesheet was submitted.
  • You have the appropriate approval role based on the approval workflow.
  • The specific option is applicable for the current approval step and status as configured in the approval workflow.

Click any of the following buttons to perform the corresponding tasks:

  • Approve: Approve a timesheet. The Approve dialog box displays where you can enter an approval note.
  • Reject: Reject a timesheet. The Reject dialog box displays where you are required to enter a rejection note.
  • Reassign: Designate another employee to approve the timesheet. On the Change Assignment On Current Step dialog box, either select a person to add the new assignment to or move the assignment from one person to another. Click Change to change the assignment.
  • Reopen: Reopen a previously approved timesheet to make changes.
  • Unsubmit: Retract a submitted timesheet. This option is available if the timesheet is not yet approved in any of the approval steps of the approval workflow and Allow Employees to Unsubmit Their Own Timesheet is checked in the timesheet approval workflow settings in the desktop application.

Timesheet Grid

Use this grid to record your daily time and distribute the hours among the projects that you enter in rows in the grid. On the left side of the grid, you specify project information. On the right side of the grid, you enter the hours that you worked on a project per day.

Left and Right Grid Column Selection

You can select the columns that display in the left and right sides of the timesheet grid. Click in the upper-right corner of the grid and choose either Left Grid Column Selections or Right Grid Column Selections.

The column selections apply only to you. Other users can choose to display a different set of columns. The columns that display by default in the grid and the columns that are available for selection on the column selections dialog boxes are determined by selections that a system administrator makes in Settings > Time.

For information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Grid.

Prefilled Rows

Your system administrator can set up special categories to use for standard labor charges-such as vacation, sick time, or holiday leave. These special categories display in the initial rows of the Timesheet grid each time you open your timesheet.

Because the project/phase/task/labor code/labor category combination for each special category is predefined, you do not have to enter these values on your timesheet when you charge time to a special category.

Adding, Copying, and Deleting Rows

To add a row to the grid to enter project information and hours worked, click the + Add Line button below the grid or click the star icon at the end of a row.

To insert, copy, or delete a row in the grid, hover over a row on the right side of the grid, click at the end of the row and select the desired action. Note that these actions are disabled once the timesheet approval process starts.

Moving between Fields in the Grid

Press the TAB key to advance the cursor across the fields in timesheet rows. Press SHIFT+TAB to reverse direction.

Left Grid Columns: Project Information

The left side of the timesheet grid shows the project columns such as the project, phase, task, and client name. You can allocate your time for each day to more than one project. To select the columns that display in the left side of the grid, click in the upper right corner of the grid.

You must select at least one column from each of the following pairs to display in the left side of the timesheet grid:

  • Project or Project Name
  • Phase or Phase Name
  • Task or Task Name

If you are revising a timesheet that was saved or submitted and timesheet audits are enabled, the left side of the timesheet grid is read-only. You can modify only the hours or units for each row.

The following are all of the possible columns that can be displayed on the left side of the timesheet grid.

Field Description
Line Status If timesheet approvals are in use with the timesheet line approvals enabled, this column displays by default as the first column in the grid and indicates the status of the timesheet line approval. The column is blank if the approval workflow has not started. indicates a line approval is in progress. indicates all line entries are approved. indicates at least one hours entry on the timesheet has been rejected.

You can click the line approval link in each day's drop-down detail dialog to see the associated Time Lines Progress dialog box.


Specify the project to which you are charging time.

Enter the project or select a project from the Project/Phase/Task lookup. If the project has phases, you must also select a phase. If the phase has tasks, you must also select a task. If Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant is set to No on the Options tab in Settings > Time, inactive projects, phases, and tasks appear in the associated lists in a lighter font, but you can still select them.

Click Select on the lookup to complete the entry.

Project Name If the Project column displays in the grid, this column displays the project's name. If the Project column does not display in the grid, use this column to select the project to which you are charging time.

Select a project from the Project/Phase/Task lookup. If the project has phases, you also must also select a phase. If the phase has tasks, you must also select a task. Click Select on the lookup to complete the entry.

Client Name This column displays the name of the client that is associated with the project.
Phase If the project that you selected has phases, the phase displays in this column.
Phase Name This column displays the name of the phase.
Task If the project that you selected has phases and tasks, the task displays in this field.
Task Name This column displays the name of the task.
Labor Codes 1 through 4

Your system administrator can set up default labor codes for individual timesheet users. If one is defined for you, it displays in this field on your timesheet. If there is no pre-defined labor code, or you want to use a labor code other than your default, you can use the Labor Code lookup to select a different labor code.

If this field is not available, your system administrator has selected None in the Labor Code field on the Options tab in Settings > Time.

A warning displays if your system administrator selected None in the Labor Codes field on the Options tab in Settings > Time and did not also enter a default labor code value for you on the Time & Expense tab in the Employee hub. Your administrator must assign a default code so you can modify your labor codes.

Labor Category Your system administrator can set up default labor categories for individual timesheet users. If one is defined for you, it appears in this column on your timesheet. To change the labor category, use the Labor Category lookup to select a different one.
Payroll Tax Locale This field displays if the following apply:
  • You use the Payroll application.
  • Follow Project Locale is selected in the Locale Method field for an employee on the Payroll tab of the Employee hub.
  • The Allow project's tax locale to be overridden on timesheet check box is selected on the General tab in Settings > Payroll in the desktop application.

The payroll tax locale on a timesheet is used to calculate withholding taxes for an employee when you process payroll. This field prefills with the payroll tax locale for the project that is entered in the timesheet row. The payroll tax locale for a project is entered in the Payroll Tax Locale field on the Accounting tab of the Project hub in the desktop application. If the project does not have a locale specified for it, the locale for the employee (from the Default Tax Locale field on the Payroll tab of the Employee hub) prefills in this field. You can select a different payroll tax locale from the drop-down list in this field. The list includes payroll tax locales that are entered for the employee on the Payroll tab of the Employee hub.

Right Grid Columns: Day/Date Fields

Use the day/date fields on the right side of the grid to enter the hours that you worked each day for a project. You can distribute daily hours among different projects. You select the columns that display in the right side of the grid by clicking in the upper right corner of the grid. You must select at least one column to display in the right side of the timesheet grid.

  • Columns that are shaded indicate non-working days.
  • Shaded day/date fields in selected rows indicate that either an overtime value or a comment was entered for the hours.
  • If you use the Start/End Time by Day feature, day/date fields that have next to them are missing hours for that day. Click the icon to open a dialog box and enter the start and end times for that day.

When you click in a day/date field, you can enter hours directly in the field or click to display a drop-down dialog box that contains some or all of the fields described below, depending on the settings that your system administrator has selected on the Options tab of Time Settings. If comments are required or have already been entered, the drop-down dialog box opens automatically when you click or tab into the field.

If You Are Not Required to Enter Start and End Times

The following fields display when you click in a day/date field if you if you are not required to enter start and end times by day on your timesheet.

Field Description
Regular Enter the number of regular hours that you worked for the day for a project.
Overtime This field is available if your system administrator has set Entering Overtime to Yes on the Options tab in Settings > Time . If you have already entered overtime hours in a different day/date field, this field displays automatically in the drop-down dialog box. If it does not display in the dialog box, click the Show Overtime link to add this field. Enter the number of overtime hours that you worked for the day for a project. When you add overtime hours in a day/date field, the field displays a gray indicator background when you click in the project row.
Overtime-2 This field is available if your system administrator has selected the Secondary Overtime check box for timesheets on the General tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > General Settings in the desktop application. Enter the number of secondary overtime hours that you worked for the day for the project. Your company can set a standard overtime rate and a secondary overtime rate. Contact your supervisor if you are not sure which field to use for recording your overtime hours.
Comment Enter a comment that applies to the units that you charged for the day for the project. You can enter a new comment or click , and select a comment from the drop-down list. The selected comment displays in this field and you can edit it. Click to access the text editor and apply formatting to your comment.
The drop-down list can include the following:
  • Comments you already entered in another day/date field on this timesheet.
  • Comments you copied from another timesheet.
  • Global comments listed on the Global Comments tab in Settings > Time.

When you add comments in a day/date field, the field displays a gray background when you click in the project row.

Approval Status A message displays at the bottom of the drop-down box to indicate the timesheet line item's approval status. Possible values are Approved, Rejected, or Unapproved. This status is determined by the principal, project manager, or supervisor who reviews and then approves or rejects individual hours for the project. Click this status to open the associated Timesheet Line Approval Progress dialog box.

If You Are Required to Enter Start and End Times

In addition to the fields listed above, the following fields display if you are required to enter start and end times by day on your timesheet.

  • If start/end time entry is by day, these fields display in a drop-down box that displays below the day/date heading when you click the day/date heading at the top of the column. Use these fields to enter start and end times that you worked for a day and the related meal time and break information for the day.

    In addition to entering start and end time information for the day, you must also enter the hours that you worked on one or more projects for the day. The total number of hours that you entered for projects for the day must equal to the total hours entered for the day (based on the start and end times you entered).

  • If start/end time entry is by project, these fields display in a drop-down box that displays below the day/date field in a project row when you click a day/date field in a project row. Use these fields to enter the hours that you worked on the project for the day and related information.
Field Description
Start and End Time Enter your start and end times or click in the fields to select times from the drop-down list.
Meal Time Enter the start and end times for your meal, or click in the field to select times from the drop-down list.
Meal-2/Away Time This field is hidden by default. Click the Show Meal-2 or Show Meal-2/Away link to make it visible. Enter the start and end times for your second meal, or click in the field to select times from the drop-down list.
Breaks Taken Enter the number of breaks that you took. Use decimals to indicate a fraction.
Hours Worked month/day This field displays only when start/end time entry is by day. It shows the total hours worked for the day based on the start and end times that you entered for the day.
Hours Recorded on Timesheet This field displays only when start/end time entry is by day. It shows the total of the Regular, Overtime, and/or Overtime-2 hours entered into the project rows for the respective day's column.

Row Totals (Project Totals)

Field Description
Regular, Overtime, Overtime-2, and Total The dark gray-shaded columns at the end of the Timesheets grid display the totals for regular, overtime, and overtime-2 hours, and the overall total hours that you entered for a project. Regular and Overtime totals are available if your system administrator has set Entering Overtime to Yes on the Options tab in Settings > Time. Overtime-2 totals are available if your system administrator has selected the Secondary Overtime check box for timesheets on the General tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > General Settings in the desktop application.


Field Description
+ Add Line Click this button located below the grid to add a blank row to the timesheet grid, and enter project information and hours worked for the project in the row. If a timesheet cannot be edited, this button does not display.

Column Totals (Day Totals)

Field Description
Regular, Overtime, Overtime-2, and Total You can expand and collapse the column total rows using the two icons at the bottom right corner of the Timesheets form. When you collapse the row, the overall total hours for each day display below the grid in the gray-shaded area. When you expand the row, you can view regular, overtime, and overtime-2 hours and overall total hours for each day. Regular and Overtime totals are available if your system administrator has set Entering Overtime to Yes on the Options tab in Settings > Time. Overtime-2 totals are available if your system administrator has selected the Secondary Overtime check box for timesheets on the General tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > General Settings in the desktop application.