Copy Rows from another Timesheet
You can copy rows from an existing timesheet into the current timesheet. You can copy all project, phase, task, labor code, labor category, and payroll tax locale combinations from another timesheet into the current timesheet.
To copy timesheet rows from another timesheet into the current one:
- In the Navigation pane, select .
- If the timesheet displayed is not the one that you want, use the search field to search for and select the one that you want to receive copied rows from another timesheet.
- Click .
On the Copy a Timesheet dialog box, click
, select the timesheet from which you want to copy rows, and click Copy. The copied rows are added to the current timesheet and you can now enter hours or units for them.
If the Labor Code column is not available or your security role does not have rights to change the labor code, the labor code for copied rows is set to the default. If the Labor Category column is not available, the labor category for copied rows is set to the default.
If Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant is set to No in , inactive projects, phases, and tasks display in the associated lists in a lighter font, but you can still select them. If Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant is set to Yes, inactive items are not visible.