Contents of the Units Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on this dialog box to enter and edit a unit for a unit table.

Field Description
Number Enter a unique unit number. You cannot change this number after it is saved. You set the length of your unit numbers during installation. If you need to change the length, use Utilities > Key Conversions > Units.
Item This field displays if you use the Purchasing & Inventory application. Use this field to associate an inventory item with the unit.
  • Use the Item lookup to select an inventory item to associate with the unit.
  • If you use the Purchasing & Inventory application and click New > Create Unit from Item, this field displays the item information.

When an inventory item is posted, DPS creates a units transaction posting log. After you link an inventory item to the unit, DPS disables the remaining fields on this form.

This field is not enabled when the Reporting Realization by Employee check box is selected on the Reporting tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System , and the Employee-specific Revenue check box on this dialog box is selected.

Category After you select an item to associate to the unit, DPS displays the inventory item's category. If you use the Purchasing & Inventory application and create the unit record from an inventory item, this field displays the category information. (This option displays if you use the Purchasing & Inventory application.)
Name Enter the name for the unit. You can print this name on the invoice.
Labels: Singular Enter a label for the unit as it should display for a singular quantity. For example, you enter day if the unit charge is based on one day of labor.
Labels: Plural Enter a label for the unit as it should display for a plural quantity. For example, you enter days if the unit charge is based on two days of labor.
Unit Type Click to display the drop-down arrow, then click the arrow and select a unit type from the drop-down list. Unit types do not affect processing. Use them to help you distinguish labor unit types from equipment or expense units for reporting purposes. The Unit Detail Report displays units of each unit type with detail and totals over a selected time frame.

The options include Equipment, Expenses, Labor, and any user-defined unit types that you define ion the Lists tab of Settings > Labels and Lists.

After a unit type has been used in a Units table, you cannot delete it in Labels and Lists.

Employee-Specific Revenue Select this check box if you want this unit's revenue to be applied to a specific employee for calculating employee realization. This will apply to units that employees enter on timesheets, units entered in the Transaction Center (units or units-by-project transaction types), and unit inserts entered in Interactive Billing.

This column displays only if the Reporting Realization by Employee check box is selected on the Reporting tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System.

This check box is not enabled when you use the Purchasing & Inventory application and you enter an item in the Item column on the Units dialog box.

When you select this check box, you must enter a billing rate and a revenue account in the grid on this form. These will be used to calculate realization for a specific employee. The revenue account that you enter in the Revenue Account field must already be entered as a realization allocation account on the Reporting tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System.

When you do not select this check box and the revenue account that you enter in the grid on this form is entered as a realization allocation account on the Reporting tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System, a unit's revenue will be included in the overall labor revenue pool to be prorated among employees.


  • If you assign a revenue account for units in Billing > Billing Terms (in the Invoice Override Accounts section of the Misc tab), this revenue account is used to calculate employee realization instead of the revenue account entered on the Units hub form. The realization is not allocated to a specific employee. If you want revenue allocated to a specific employee, do not enter a revenue account for units on the Misc tab in Billing Terms for a project. Entering a revenue account for units in Billing Terms can lead to unexpected results. For example, units that you expected to be allocated to employees may not be allocated, or units that you consider employee-specific may be included in the allocation pool.
  • If an employee enters hours on a timesheet, but the work will be billed through a unit, enter the timesheet as non-billable or delete it in Interactive Billing. It should not be written off in Interactive Billing. Written-off records are considered to be work done over budget, work done outside the scope of the project, or work done incorrectly. Written-off records do not receive realization amounts.
Consolidate Posting Detail Select this check box to consolidate your posting detail by project, phase, task, and account. If you have multiple charges for this unit to the same project, phase, task, and account, you can decide if you want to have all the charges post together.

When you select this check box, DPS summarizes the cost per unit information for each unit entered in the same data entry run. This option determines if you store individual transaction cost detail or a single summary cost for the unit, which would be available to print later on project reports.

For example, if employee William Apple posts two different line items in the same data entry run, one for 3 days and the other for 1 day, the posting displays as 4 days.

When you select this option, the unit description on the project report displays as Consolidated Posting.

Available for Timesheet Select this check box to make the unit available to timesheet users. These users can enter charges against the unit. DPS enables this option when you use the Timesheet application and select Yes for Enable Unit Entry in Settings > Time.
Billing Rate Enter a numeric value for the rate at which to bill each individual unit. If you enter 0 or leave this field blank, the unit is billed based on the Cost per Unit rate and the project's billing terms.

If you enter a billing rate and do not enter a cost rate, DPS includes the unit on bills but does not cost the item to the project. This is appropriate in the case of survey crews, for example, where the cost to the project comes directly from posting the timesheets of the individuals who make up the survey crew.

Billing Line Format Use the drop-down list to select one of the following options for the format of the Billing line:
  • Name only: Select this option to print a single line including the unit name and amount. The transaction quantity, singular/plural label, and rate also display if the Show math on bill option is selected.
  • Name and detail: Select this option to display the unit name as a header. DPS prints a single line including the description and amount. The transaction quantity, label, and rate also display if you select the Show math on bill option. The description is user-defined and specified in the Name field.
  • Detail only: Select this option to print a single line that includes the description from data entry and amount. The transaction quantity, label, and rate display if you select the Show math on bill option.
Revenue Posting Account This option displays if you use the Accounting application. Enter the revenue account to which to post the unit when the unit is billed to the client. The unit charge is posted to this revenue account during the Final Invoice Accept process.

Enter an account directly in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an account, or click Search in this field and select an account on the Account Lookup.

If you leave this field blank, the revenue is posted to the global revenue account that is specified for unit billings on the Accounts tab in Settings > Billing > General.

When you generate the Office Earnings report or the Accounts Receivable Ledger report, this posting account is used to determine in which column the unit charge should appear. It does this by matching the posting account to a revenue account on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab in Settings > Accounting > Accounts Receivable.

  • If it finds a match, DPS prints the charge in the specified column.
  • If it does not find a match, DPS prints the charge in either the Other column of the Accounts Receivable Ledger or the Other Billed column of the Office Earnings report.
Consolidate Detail on Bill Select this check box to consolidate a unit's detail to one line on the invoice. This option is available only if the Name only option is selected in the Billing line format field.
Show Date on Bill Select this check box to show the transaction date for every transaction charged to a project. You enter this date on the Units form. You cannot print transaction dates if you consolidate billing detail.
Show Math on Bill Select this check box to print the unit billing calculations on the invoice for each unit detail line. DPS prints the calculation in the format (quantity label @ billing rate). For example:

4 TESTS @ 75.00

Where 4 is the number of units charged, TESTS is the plural label, and $75.00 is the billing rate per unit.

This option displays if you use the Billing application.

Cost per Unit Enter a numeric value for the rate at which to cost each individual unit.

Enter the amount that should be costed to the project and general ledger expense account for each unit. If you enter 0 or leave this field blank, the unit is not costed when you post. For example, you do not want to cost a unit such as a Survey Crew because their time is costed during timesheet posting. If you set up the information in the Billing section to bill units, the unit displays with unit-level detail options to be billed. If you defined labor billing terms, the timesheet detail displays to be billed and should be written-off or charged to a non-billable labor code.

Regular Account Enter the account number to debit when you post units to a regular project. This account must be a direct or reimbursable expense account.

You can enter an account in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an account from your database, or click Search and select an account on the Account Lookup.

When you select a regular project in Units Transaction Entry, this account number displays by default in the Account field. You can override this account number when entering the unit in transaction entry, as needed.

Overhead Account Enter the account number to debit when you post units to an overhead or promotional project. This account must be an indirect expense account.

You can enter an account in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an account from your database, or click Search and select an account on the Account Lookup.

When you select an overhead or promotional project in Units Transaction Entry, this account number displays by default in the Account field. You can override this account number when entering the unit in transaction entry.

Project Enter the project number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using this unit. The project charge type must correspond to the Credit Account specified for this unit.

If you make the unit distribution credit by Organization, DPS skips this field. The credit is made to the project established in Settings > Organization > Individual.

You can enter a project number in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a project from your database, or click Search and select a project on the Project Lookup.

Phase If the project that you entered in the Project field has phases, you must enter the phase number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using this unit. The phase charge type must correspond to the Credit Account specified for this unit.

If the project does not have phases, or if you are making the unit distribution credit by Organization, DPS skips this field.

You can enter a phase number in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a phase from your database, or click Search and select a phase on the Phase/Task Lookup.

Task If the project that you entered in the Project field has tasks, you must enter the task number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using this unit. The task charge type must correspond to the Credit Account specified for this unit.

If the project does not have tasks, or if you are making the unit distribution credit by Organization, DPS skips this field.

You can enter a task number in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a task from your database, or click Search and select a task on the Phase/Task Lookup.

Credit Account Enter the account to credit when you distribute costs to projects using this unit.

These accounts are specified in the standard Chart of Accounts.

This field displays if you use the Accounting application.

You must choose an asset, liability, indirect, or other revenue/expense account. This account must correspond to the charge type of the credited project, phase, or task for this unit.

You can enter an account in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an account from your database, or click Search and select an account on the Account Lookup.