Combine Firms

Use the Combine Firms utility in the browser application to combine duplicate firm records from the Firm hub or change the vendor number for a firm record.

Warning: We strongly recommend that you back up your database before you run the Combine Firms utility because there is no way to undo the combining process.

Combine Firms

You can combine two firm records from the Firms hub—merge them into one firm record. This applies for any type of firmvendor, client, competitor, or government agency. Firm type is entered for a firm on the Summary pane in the Firms hub.

When you combine two firm records, all the accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions and fields that contain the firm name and ID that no longer exists are updated with the firm name and ID of the firm into which it was combined.

Change the Vendor Number for a Firm Record

You can change the vendor number for firms with a firm type that is Vendor. When you change the vendor number, all the accounts payable transactions and fields that contained the vendor number that no longer exists are updated with the new vendor number.

This utility changes the vendor number for a firm, not the firm ID.