Contents of the Project Labor and Expense History Form

Use the fields and options on the form to enter the historical data for project labor and expenses.

Header Information

Field Description
Project Enter or select the project for which you want to enter historical data.
Phase This field displays phase information if the project has associated phases entered in the Projects hub.
Task This field displays task information if the project has associated tasks entered in the Projects hub.
Overhead Enter the historical overhead amount (for example, last year's overhead) for this project. This field is available only if you use Overhead Allocation for historical job-to-date overhead.
Functional Currency If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the three-character code for the currency of the primary economic environment in which a company operates. Normally, this is the currency in which cash is generated and expended by the company.

For example, a company located in France would normally use the euro as its functional or "home" currency. Amounts on General Ledger reports display using your company's functional currency.

Project Currency If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the three-character code for the currency in which a project is managed, which may be different from the functional currency of the project's home company.

For each project, you define the project currency at the top level of its work breakdown structure and the project currency applies to any and all lower levels (phases/tasks) of the project's WBS. When labor or expense charges are made to a project, the charges are recorded in the project currency, as well as all other appropriate currencies.

Grid Options

Field Description
Insert To insert a new row, click this option.
Copy To copy a row, select the row that contains the entry that you want to copy and click this option. Modify the entry as necessary and save the new entry.
Delete To delete the entry from the grid, select the row containing the entry you want to delete and click this option.

Labor Grid Fields

Field Description
Labor Code Enter the labor code for which to enter historical labor.
Employee Specify the number of the employee to whom the hours or amount apply. If you want this project to appear on the Time Analysis report or to be billable, you must enter an employee number in this field.
Name When you enter the employee number in the Employee field, the employee name displays in this field. You cannot modify this entry.
Period Select the period for which you are entering historical labor. DPS adds all fiscal period/year records together to calculate the total for all records with the same labor code or account.
The choices in the drop-down list are:
  • Prior to current year: Select this option to enter job-to-date labor incurred on this project prior to the current fiscal year. If you do not enter a period for a regular project, DPS uses this selection as the default.
  • Current year: If you install DPS at mid-year and you want to enter historical labor for the periods in the current year, select this option. If you do not enter a period for an overhead project, DPS uses this selection as the default.

You can enter any fiscal period/year combination in this field. If you do, DPS displays the entry in the drop-down list for this session only. In other words, if you create a new file or you exit this file and then re-open it, the periods that you entered no longer display as options in the drop-down list.

You cannot specify a future date in this field. If you attempt to do so, DPS displays a message indicating that you must select a period from the list or enter a valid date.

Hours Enter the total number of historical hours to charge to this project, labor code, and employee (if any) combination.
Employee Currency Code If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the three-character code for the functional currency of the employee's home company. (An employee's home company is specified in the Organization field on the General tab of the Employees hub).
Employee Currency Rate If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the employee's job cost rate, expressed in the functional currency of the employee's home company.
Employee Currency Amount If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the amount the employee charged to the project, in the functional currency of the employee's home company.
Project Currency Rate If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the employee's job cost rate, expressed in the project currency.
Project Currency Amount If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the total historical amount charged to the project, expressed in the project currency.
Functional Currency Rate If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the employee's job cost rate, expressed in the functional currency of the company that owns the project (via the organization structure).
Functional Currency Amount If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the total historical amount charged to the project, expressed in the functional currency of the company that owns the project (via the organization structure).
Billing Currency Rate If you use multiple currencies, the billing currency is the currency used to generate invoices and billing reports for a specific project and all its phases and tasks. This field shows the employee's job cost rate, expressed in the billing currency of the project charged.
Billing Currency Amount If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the total historical amount charged to the project, expressed in the billing currency of the project.
Amount Use this field to update cost information. For labor history, enter the total historical amount to charge to this project, labor code, and employee (if any) combination.
Billing Ext For labor history, enter the total historical billing amount to charge on this project, labor code, and employee (if any) combination.

This amount displays on project reports if you report at billing rates. It may not equal the extension used by Billing. If this labor displays on an invoice, Billing recalculates the extension based on the current billing terms.

Billing Status For labor history, if you entered an employee in the Employee field and you have Billing installed, you can select this option to make labor history available to the Billing system.
Realization Amount This field displays if you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature and you do not use multiple currencies. Enter the realization amount for an employee.
Employee Currency Realization Amt This field displays if you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature and multiple currencies. Enter realization for an employee in the employee's currency.
Realization Amount Project Currency This field displays if you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature and multiple currencies. Enter realization for an employee in the project's currency.
Realization Amount Billing Currency This field displays if you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature and multiple currencies. Enter realization for an employee in the billing currency.

Expenses Grid Fields

Field Description
Account Select the account for which to enter historical data.
Vendor Specify the number of the vendor to whom the hours/amount apply.
Name When you enter the vendor number in the Vendor field, the vendor name displays in this field. You cannot modify this entry.
Period Select the period for which you are entering historical expenses. DPS adds all fiscal period/year records together to calculate the total for all records with the same labor code or account.
The choices in the drop-down list are:
  • Prior to current year: Select this option to enter job-to-date expenses incurred on this project prior to the current fiscal year. If you do not enter a period for a regular project, DPS uses this selection as the default.
  • Current year: If you are installing at mid-year and you want to enter historical expenses for the periods in the current year, select this option. If you do not enter a period for an overhead project, DPS uses this selection as the default.

You can enter any fiscal period/year combination in this field. If you do, DPS displays the entry in the drop-down list for this session only. In other words, if you create a new file or you exit this file then re-open it, the periods that you entered no longer appear as options in the drop-down list.

You cannot specify a future date in this field. If you attempt to do so, DPS displays a message indicating that you must select a period from the list or enter a valid date.

Functional Currency Amount If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the amount charged, in the functional currency of the company charged for the expense.
Project Currency Amount If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the amount charged, in the project currency.
Billing Currency Amount If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the amount charged, in the billing currency of the project.
Amount Use this field to update cost information.

For expense history, enter the total historical amount to charge to this project/account combination.

Billing Ext For expense history, enter the total historical amount to charge to this project/account combination.
Billing Status For expense history, if you have Time and Expense installed, you can select this option to make it available to the Time and Expense system. If you enter B (Bill) in this field, the transaction appears in Time and Expense Processing, which generates the expense for the specific account. To build only your project reports, enter N.
Date Enter the date of the expense transaction.
Description 1/2 If you enter a vendor number in the Vendor field, the vendor name automatically displays in the Description 1 field. If you do not enter a vendor number, you can manually enter vendor descriptions in the Description 1 and/or Description 2 fields.