Error Logs Tab of the QuickBooks Form

On this tab, review any errors that occurred when records or transactions were sent to and from DPS.

You can also review the status of any record or transactions sent to and from DPS or any records and transactions in the process of being sent to and from DPS.

Updating between DPS and QuickBooks Online occurs when:
  • You first set up the integration between the two products, and you click DPS. Records entered in QuickBooks Online, such as employees and vendors, are add to DPS.
  • Automatic updating occurs between DPS and QuickBooks Online. The updating is based on the time interval that you specified on the Integration Setup tab in the QuickBooks integration utility. New and updated records and transactions in QuickBooks Online are updated in DPS. New transactions from DPS are updated in QuickBooks Online.
  • Manual updating occurs between DPS and QuickBooks Online. The updating starts when you click the Process Changes Now button on the Integration Setup tab in the QuickBooks integration utility. New records and transactions and revised records in QuickBooks Online are updated in DPS. New transactions from DPS are updated in QuickBooks Online.


In the grid on this tab, view the status for each record and transaction that was sent or is in the process of being sent to and from DPS. Select options in the Options section to filter and display a more specific set of records in the grid, such as only the failed records.

Options Section

Use the fields in this section to filter and display a smaller subset of items in the grid.

Field Description
Filter by Direction Select the direction in which the data is traveling by which to filter the items that display in the grid.
Options are:
  • All Directions: The items listed in the grid are related to data that DPS received from QuickBooks Online and data that DPS sent to QuickBooks Online.
  • Inbound: The items listed in the grid are related to data that DPS received from QuickBooks Online.
  • Outbound: The items listed in the grid are related to data that DPS sent to QuickBooks Online.
Filter by Status Select the status by which to filter the items displayed in the grid. The options define the status of the records that are being sent to and from DPS. The status for each item in the grid displays in the Status field for the item.

Options are:

  • New: The record is entered in DPS, but it is not in QuickBooks Online yet.
  • Processing: The record is part of a group of records that are currently being processed by the system. An unexpected error occurred for the record. The system will try to send it to QuickBooks Online again.
  • Processed: The record has been successfully processed and is kept as a historical reference.
  • Retry: The record did not match several criteria. It will be resent to QuickBooks Online again the next time the updating process occurs. The message in the Message field in the grid explains why.
  • Failed: The record failed to be updated in DPS or QuickBooks Online. The message in the Message field in the grid explains why. The system will try to update the failed record in DPS or QuickBooks Online when the next updating occurs between the two products if the number in the Retries field for the item in the grid is less than the number in the Maximum Number of Retries field on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility.
Filter by Start Date Select a start date by which to filter the errors in the grid. This is the date on which an error occurred.
Filter by End Date Select an end date by which to filter the errors in the grid. This is the date on which an error occurred.
Filter Table Click this button to apply the filters that you entered in this section to the list of error to display in the grid.


This grid displays the information about any errors that occurred when data was updated between DPS and QuickBooks Online.

Field Description
Direction This field displays the direction in which the data was traveling:
  • Inbound: The error is related to data that DPS received from QuickBooks Online.
  • Outbound: The error is related to data that DPS sent to QuickBooks Online.
QuickBooks Online Entity This field displays the entity or table name in QuickBooks Online, such as Bill, Vendor, and BillPayment.
QuickBooks Online Key This field displays the primary key for the entry (either when it was sent from QuickBooks Online or when it was created in DPS). This key is usually not visible, but the system uses it to identify the record.
DPS Entity This field displays the entity (or table name) in DPS, such as jeControl, arControl, and Clendor.
DPS Key This field displays the primary key for the entry. If it is a key with multiple fields, the values are separated by the "|" char.
Action This field displays identifies whether the record is an Insert (I), Update (U) or a Delete (D).
Change Date This field displays the modification date from either DPS or QuickBooks Online.
Status This field displays the status of the transaction or record.

Possible statuses are:

  • New: The record is entered in DPS, but it is not in QuickBooks Online yet.
  • Processing: The record is part of a group of records that are currently being processed by the system. An unexpected error occurred for the record. The system will try to send it to QuickBooks Online again.
  • Processed: The record has been successfully processed and is kept as a historical reference.
  • Retry: The record did not match several criteria. It will be resent to QuickBooks Online again the next time the updating process occurs. The message in the Message field in the grid explains why.
  • Failed: The record failed to be updated in DPS or QuickBooks Online. The message in the Message field in the grid explains why. The system will try to update the failed record in DPS or QuickBooks Online when the next updating occurs between the two products if the number in the Retries field for the item in the grid is less than the number in the Maximum Number of Retries field on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility.
Retries If a record or transaction that should be shared between DPS and QuickBooks Online fails to be added to either DPS or QuickBooks Online during the updating process, it will be retried the next time the updating occurs. If the updating of the record or transaction continues to fail, the number of failures is tracked in the Retries field.

If a record or transaction reaches the maximum number of retries (per the number entered in the Maximum Number of Retries field on the Integration Setup tab in the QuickBooks integration utility) and has still failed, you can do either of the following:

  • Change the number in the Retries field for the specific record or transaction. Reduce the number to be less than the maximum number of retries allowed so the record or transaction will be retried again when the next updating occurs.
  • Go to the Integration Setup tab in the QuickBooks integration utility, and click the Reset Counter button in the Scheduling Settings section. This resets the count of the actual retry attempts to zero in the Retries field for all records and transactions being updated between DPS and QuickBooks Online that have a Failed or Retry status.
Last Processed Date This field displays the last time the record was processed. This date can be different from the date in the Change Date field because the processing can be minutes or hours later than the change date.
Message This field provides specific information about an error or a notice that all was processed successfully.