Map General Ledger Accounts Between DPS and QuickBooks Online for the First Time

You must map (link) general ledger accounts in DPS with the same accounts entered in QuickBooks so that one set of accounts is used by both QuickBooks Online and DPS for transaction processing.

Warning: If you create transactions using general ledger accounts that are not mapped between DPS and QuickBooks Online, the transactions are not added to the other product when updating occurs between the two products. For more information see Failed Transactions Due to Missing Account or Tax Code Mapping.


  1. Enable the QuickBooks integration and connect QuickBooks Online to DPS.
  2. Run the initialization process using the Initialize DPS button on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility.

    This copies general ledger accounts and other records from QuickBooks Online to DPS.

To map the general ledger accounts between DPS and QuickBooks Online for the first time:

  1. In the Navigation pane in DPS, select Utilities > Integrations > QuickBooks. You can access this utility when you log in to DPS using your setup credentials during the initial DPS setup or when you log in to DPS without your setup credentials after the initial setup.
  2. On the QuickBooks form, click the Accounts Mapping tab.
  3. Review the accounts in the accounts grid. The Account column in the grid displays the account number of each general ledger account that is entered in DPS in Settings > PSA > Chart of Accounts, which includes the following:
    • The accounts that come standard with DPS.
    • Any accounts that you added in DPS Chart of Accounts.
    • The accounts from QuickBooks Online that were copied to DPS during the initialization process if the accounts were not already entered in DPS (based on account name).
  4. Review the QuickBooks Online accounts in the QuickBooks Online Reference field in the grid that are now mapped to the DPS accounts to be sure that they are as you expect. During the initialization process, a general ledger account in QuickBooks Online with the same name as an account in DPS was automatically mapped to the DPS account and displays in the QuickBooks Online Reference field.
  5. For any DPS account in the grid that has no QuickBooks Online account mapped to it in the QuickBooks Online Reference field, determine if you need to use the account with QuickBooks Online.
    • If you do not need to use the account with QuickBooks Online, you can delete the account from DPS or leave it in DPS without a QuickBooks Online account mapped to it.

      To delete the account from DPS, open the account in Settings > PSA > Chart of Accounts, and select Delete from the Other Actions menu. This deletes the account from the DPS chart of accounts and from the accounts grid on the Accounts Mapping tab in the QuickBooks integration utility.

    • If you need to use the DPS account with QuickBooks Online, complete the following to map it to a QuickBooks Online account:

      Click anywhere in the row for the DPS account, and click in the QuickBooks Online Reference field to select a QuickBooks Online account to map to the DPS account.

      If the QuickBooks Online account that you want to map does not display in the drop-down list, enter it in QuickBooks Online, and either click the Process Changes Now button on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility or wait until the automatic update occurs between the two products. This adds the account from QuickBooks Online to the drop-down list in the QuickBooks Online Reference field.

    • When you set up a liability account to use for employee expense reports, you must map the liability account in DPS to a specific QuickBooks Online account whose type is Accounts Payable (A/P). If you fail to do this, expense reports entered in DPS will not be added to QuickBooks Online.
    • A subcontractor accrual account 213.00 comes standard with DPS. It is used for offsetting transactions for consultant accruals in DPS. You must not link this account to a valid accounts payable account in QuickBooks Online. If you do, consultant accruals will not be processed correctly between DPS and QuickBooks Online. You can link the subcontractor accrual account 213.00 to a miscellaneous account in QuickBooks Online.
    • If you include taxes on billing invoices, accounts payable vouchers, or both, QuickBooks Online tax rates get mapped to DPS tax codes. DPS associates tax codes with general ledger accounts for tracking purposes, but QuickBooks Online does not. Therefore, you do not need to map the general ledger tax accounts in DPS with any tax accounts in QuickBooks Online.
  6. Click Save.