Accounting Reports

To help you manage your firm's financial information, Vision enables you to produce various reports based on the data in your general ledger and subledger accounts. Some of these reports, such as the Balance Sheet, are standard accounting reports. Others provide Vision-specific information.

Taken together, these reports help you track and monitor your firm's financial performance for selected accounting periods and over time.

General Ledger Reports

  • Account Analysis — This report provides a detailed view of all general ledger activity during the current accounting period. The report displays account names and numbers and provides both opening and closing balances for each account, as well as all transaction detail for each account. You can use this report to maintain an audit trail of your General Ledger activity. If the Account Analysis is detailed by organization or profit center, Vision includes an opening balance, transaction detail, and a closing balance for each organization for which there is information.
  • Balance Sheet— This standard accounting report shows the distribution of your firm’s assets, liabilities, and net worth as of the current date. The Balance Sheet includes totals for assets, liabilities, and net worth, as well as a total for liabilities plus net worth. Total assets should equal total liabilities plus net worth. If these totals do not agree, the bottom of the report includes a tolerance line, showing the amount of the discrepancy. If you are using the Organization Reporting feature in Vision, you can maintain separate Balance Sheets by organization.
  • Income Statement— This report provides a detailed statement of your revenue and expense account balances for the current period and year-to-date. Vision uses these balances to calculate your firm’s current period and year-to-date operating profit/loss, which displays at the bottom of the report.
  • Profit Planning Monitor — This report lets you monitor corporate budgets. It lists each of your firm's revenue and expense accounts, and for each account, it shows the budgeted and actual amounts for the current period and year-to-date. It also shows totals for actual and budgeted revenue and expense and calculates actual and budgeted profit/loss.
  • Trial Balance — This report shows the opening and closing balances for each of your General Ledger accounts as well as the total debits and credits for the accounts. You can use this report to verify that your debits equal your credits.

Accounting Reports

  • Accounting List — This report lists all accounts, or any sub-group of existing accounts, from the Chart of Accounts Info Center.
  • Cash Flow Forecast — Generally, cash flow consists of the inflow of revenue through Accounts Receivable and other income, and the outflow of funds through Accounts Payable generated from overhead, debt, and taxes. Use this report to analyze the inflow and outflow of cash in order to explain changes in cash during a given accounting period. Also use this report to determine whether sufficient funds are available from financing activities, to show funds generated from all sources, and to show how these funds are applied.
  • Cash Journal — This report lists every cash receipt and disbursement posted during the current accounting period, or year to date for each bank code selected.
  • Payment Register — This report lists all the payments processed during the current period. The report shows payments created through cash disbursements, payroll if your firm uses the Vision Payroll application, employee advance and expense processing, accounts payable disbursements, and accounts payable payment processing.
  • Labor Cross Charge — This report allows you to track labor swaps between organizations, if your firm is using the Organization Reporting application. The report shows each labor transaction that results when an employee from one organization works on another organization's project.
  • Overhead Allocation — This report shows the allocation of overhead to all regular projects as of the last time overhead allocation was run. The amount in the Year-to-date Overhead column on this report should match the total indirect expenses amount on your Income Statement.
  • Sales List — This report lets you review all sales and associated taxes that occurred during a specific period, a range of periods, a range of dates, or on a year-to-date basis.
  • Tax Analysis — This report lets you review purchases, sales, and associated taxes. You can also use it to review tax-related entries for employee expenses. You can list transactions that occurred during a specific period, a range of periods, a range of dates, or thus far for the year.

Accounts Payable Reports

  • Cash Requirements — This report shows all vouchers with balances and to be paid amounts.
  • Cash Requirements Bank Summary — This report shows, for each bank code that has amounts posted during the current period, a total amount for all vouchers.

    Use the Cash Requirements or Cash Requirements Bank Summary report to review cash requirements prior to Accounts Payable Payment processing to determine the amounts scheduled for payment and the effect that making these payments will have on your firm's cash accounts.

  • Vendor List — This report lists all vendors in your firm's database.
  • Vendor Summary — This report lists detail information for all vendors in your firm's database, including name, number and address information; 1099 requirements; billed and paid amounts for the current period, year-to-date, and vendor-to-date; and accounting information such as the vendor's payment terms and discount codes.
  • Voucher Ledger — This report provides you with historical information on all vouchers, including payments, adjustments, and voids for each voucher entered in Vision.
  • Voucher Schedule — This report provides a projected payment schedule for outstanding vouchers. It shows each of your outstanding Accounts Payable vouchers, when the voucher is scheduled for payment, and how long it will remain unpaid. The Voucher Schedule report compares the aging date to the invoice date, payment date, or voucher date to determine the aging time frame. The amounts on this report should match the amounts in liability accounts on your Balance Sheet. Use this report to respond to inquiries from vendors and to monitor your firm’s cash flow.

Accounts Receivable Reports

  • AR Aged — This report shows, project by project, the total balance due, the length of time receivables have been outstanding, and the date on which the last cash receipt was posted. You can also include a detail line for each invoice sent for the project. Use this report to determine when a client is delinquent in paying, and to monitor your firm's cash flow.
  • AR Comments — This report lists comments entered for outstanding invoices.
  • AR Ledger — This report lets you review your firm’s billing history. For each project, phase, or task, the report shows each invoice generated and all payments received. The report also shows you the average collection period for all paid invoices.
  • AR Statement — This report is the statement that you send to a client. You determine the aging periods to display in the statement, as well as the statement date and grace period. You can also display a comment on the statement.
  • Invoice Register — Use this report to view the invoices posted during the current period through Invoice transaction entry or through Vision Billing.