Miscellaneous Tab of Bank Statement Reconciliation

Use the Miscellaneous tab of Bank Statement Reconciliation to enter miscellaneous bank transactions on the statement, such as interest amounts (or other credits) and service charges (or other debits), that are not linked to a bank code.

If you enter miscellaneous charges in Vision via journal entries, you must add those charges manually to Bank Statement Reconciliation on this tab.


Field Description
Date Enter the date of the charge.
Amount Enter positive amounts to account for interest or other credits. Enter negative amounts to account for service charges or other debits.

For example, if you have a $60.00 service charge (entered as -60.00) and a $50.00 interest amount (entered as 50.00), Vision subtracts $10.00 from the opening balance when accounting for these items in calculating the closing balance.

When you enter a miscellaneous amount, Vision adds the amount to the Miscellaneous line of the Cleared Items summary.

Description Enter the description of the charge.
Type Specify the type of charge.