Summary Tab of Bank Statement Reconciliation

The Summary tab of Bank Statement Reconciliation displays the cleared and uncleared balances based on the cleared and uncleared items on the Receipts and Payments tabs and entries on the Miscellaneous tab.


Field Description
Bank This field displays the bank and corresponding bank code.
Statement Date This field displays the statement date.
Opening Balance This field displays the opening balance.

Cleared Items

Field Description
Receipts This field displays the total amount of receipts marked as cleared on the Receipts tab.
Payments This field displays the total amount of payments marked as cleared on the Payments tab.

If this is an In-Process account, the presence of cleared but unprocessed payments is indicated by the accompanying message: **Cleared Items HAVE NOT been processed.**

Miscellaneous This field displays the total amount of miscellaneous items entered on the Miscellaneous tab.
Calculated Balance Vision displays the calculated closing balance for the account and a total of all uncleared items. Vision calculates the closing balance as follows:

Closing Balance = (opening balance) + (cleared receipts) - (cleared payments) + (miscellaneous)

Closing Balance This field displays the closing balance from the statement that you entered either on the Bank Statement Selection dialog box or on the Main tab. You can also enter or change that balance on this tab.

If all transactions are accurate and have been properly accounted for, the calculated closing balance should agree with the closing balance shown on the bank statement.

Uncleared Items

Field Description
Receipts This field displays the total amount of uncleared receipts on the Receipts tab.

If you display reconciliation information for a prior statement, any receipts listed on the Receipts tab that have been cleared on a more recent statement are included in the uncleared amount.

Payments This field displays the total amount of uncleared payments on the Payments tab. If the grid on the Payments tab contains a voided payment that is not yet associated with a statement or is associated with a more recent statement, the amount of that payment is included in this total uncleared amount because the void occurred after the statement date of the currently selected statement.

If you display reconciliation information for a prior statement, any payments listed on the Payments tab that have been cleared on a more recent statement are included in the uncleared amount.

Uncleared Balance Vision calculates the uncleared balance as follows:

Uncleared Balance = (uncleared receipts) - (uncleared payments)

If all uncleared items are accurate and have been properly accounted for, the sum of the closing balance and the uncleared balance should agree with the current balance of the bank code's GL account.