Billing Labor Transfer Audit Dialog Box

Use the Billing Labor Transfer Audit dialog box to acknowledge the transfer of hours if you entered timesheet data incorrectly and someone else transferred the hours to a different project or labor code. You learn of such transfers via email messages or dashboard alerts.

When timesheet data is entered incorrectly, the biller or project manager can use Billing Labor transfers to transfer hours from one project, phase, task, or labor code to another. This does not require approval from you, the employee who originally entered the time, but you must acknowledge the transfer on the Billing Labor Transfer Audit dialog box. This dialog box provides a list of all billing transfers for the specified time period and allows you to acknowledge transfers that are related to your timesheets.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Time & Expense > Timesheet.
  2. Open a timesheet.
  3. On the Timesheet toolbar, click Billing Transfer Audit.


Field Description
Period Ending Use these fields to select the range of timesheet periods that you want to access.
  • When you access this dialog box from a timesheet, these fields display the start and end periods of the active timesheet.
  • When you access this dialog box from a link in an email message or dashboard alert, these fields default to the dates that include all of the labor transfers that are associated with the alert.
Review Status
Use these options to filter the labor transfer records.
  • Reviewed — Select this option to filter for labor transfer records that have been acknowledged.
  • Not Reviewed — Select this option to filter for labor transfer records that have not been acknowledged.

This field displays for roles with a Group or System Admin assignment in Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles.

The drop-down list displays the groups to which your role has access. When you select a group from the list, the Billing Labor Transfer Audit grid updates to list all associated labor transfer records.

The None option is selected by default. Use this option to view your own labor transfer records.


This field displays for roles with a Group or System Admin assignment in Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles.

This field is activated after you specify a group. Use the Employee lookup to search for and select an employee from the selected group. The Billing Labor Transfer Audit grid updates to list all labor transfer records that are associated with the employee.

Billing Labor Transfer Audit Grid

This grid displays the records to which the labor was transferred. Because transferring hours typically involves adding hours to the new project, phase, task, or labor code—and subtracting hours from the original project, phase, task, or labor code—this grid only displays one record even though two are created in the Vision database. The positive and negative hours from the transfer are reflected in the reports associated with Labor Billing.

Grid Options

Field Description
Billing Labor Transfer Audit Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Acknowledge Click this button to acknowledge the selected billing labor transfer.
Reset Click this button to reset the acknowledgment of the selected billing labor transfer.
Acknowledge All Click this button to acknowledge all billing labor transfers on this grid.
Reset All Click this button to reset the acknowledgment of all billing labor transfers on this grid.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Reviewed Select this option to specify a billing labor transfer record on the grid that you want to acknowledge. This field displays as selected after you have reviewed and acknowledged a transfer.
Employee Name This field displays the employee's name.
Date This field displays the date of the timesheet record and includes all transfers that occurred within the specified time period.
Project This field displays the project to which the time was transferred.
Phase This field displays the phase to which the time was transferred.
Task This field displays the task to which the time was transferred.
Labor Code This field displays the labor code to which the time was transferred.
Labor Category This field displays the labor category to which the time was transferred.
Regular Hours This field displays the number of regular hours worked.
Overtime Hours This field only displays if Allow users to enter overtime is selected on the Setup Tab of Company Timesheet Configuration. Refer to this field to view the standard overtime hours worked.
Secondary Ovt Hours This field only displays if Allow users to enter overtime is selected on the Setup Tab of Company Timesheet Configuration. Refer to this field to view the secondary overtime hours worked.
Transfer Details This field displays the details of the labor that was transferred; for example: Transferred from project 20001.098.
Transfer Reason This field displays the reason that was entered on the Billing Labor Transfer dialog box in Interactive Billing or Interactive Approvals.
Reviewed By This field displays the name of the employee who acknowledged the transfer.
Reviewed Date This field displays the date and time when the employee acknowledged the transfer.