Export to Text

Use the Export to Text feature in Vision Accounts Payable and Employee Expenses to create a .txt or .xml file that contains payment information, which is processed by a third-party software application.

You can use this feature if:

The files that are created with the Export to Text feature are used for Vision accounts payable and employee expense payments. They are not used for Vision payroll and employee expense direct deposit or Accounts Payable EFT processing. These payment types use the NACHA file format, which you set up on the NACHA File Format tab in Banks Configuration.

You configure the Export to Text feature in Vision Banks Configuration. For each bank code, you select the file format type to use for the text files that are issued for the bank account. If you select a user-defined or SEPA file type, you enter additional information for those file types.

If you use the Multicompany feature, you must set up Export to Text file information for bank codes for each company in your enterprise.