Default Billing Terms Setup Overview

Default Billing Terms act as a template when you create individual billing terms for new projects. After default billing terms are defined, when you open a new project from the Billing Terms form, the form is populated with the defaults. After you save the opened project, the default terms become the project's individual terms.

For example, assume you have a set of default billing terms set up for your projects. The default billing terms are based on time and materials projects since most projects are billed in this way by your firm.

You add Project 92003.00 - Government Center from the Project Info Center, then open the project from the Billing Terms form. Vision performs the following steps:

  1. Looks in Default Billing Terms Configuration to see whether or not you have default billing terms established.

  2. If default billing terms are established, Vision copies in the default terms for this project.

  3. You can then modify the terms to meet the needs of the individual project and then save the terms. If you do not save the terms, the default terms are not copied.

The information that you enter on the Default Billing Terms form is the same information that you enter on the Billing Terms form in the Billing application. For descriptions of the tabs and fields on the Default Billing Terms form, see the online help for the Billing Terms form, in the Billing section of the help.

If you do not want to use these billing terms because the project has a fee-based contract, for example, you can modify these defaults or copy billing terms from another project.


If you use the Multicompany feature, you must set up default billing terms for each company.

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