Set Up General Company Settings
Use General Company settings to specify your company's name and address, set a default address format, and set a default phone format.
You also enable or disable currencies and enable the Payroll module in General Company settings.
To set up general company settings, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > Company Settings.
- On the General tab, specify your company's name and address.
- Complete the information on all the tabs of the General Company Settings form.
If your firm uses the Multicurrency feature, enable or disable currencies on the Currency tab.
Option Description To add (enable) a currency Click Insert, then select the code that you want to add.
To disable a currency Select the currency and click Delete. After you use an enabled currency, you cannot delete it.
Postrequisite: If your firm uses the Multicompany feature, click
> Change Company to select the next company for which you want to set up General Company settings. The name of the active company displays at the top of the General Company Settings form.
Parent Topic: General Company Settings Overview