General Tab of User Options Dialog Box

Use the General tab of User Options to change your password, set your default country, and establish other settings that are specific to you.


Field Description
Default Country The country that you specify in this field is the default country that Vision use when you create new Info Center records. The drop-down list for this field includes all countries that are set up in the Country Code Table.

By default, Vision displays the country selected on the Users form in Security Configuration. You can change it. After you select a country, Vision filters all States/Provinces drop-down lists based on your entry in this field.

If there is no entry in this field, Vision displays a message that asks you to select a language on the Vision Login dialog box.

Automatically hide Navigation menu Select this option if you want Vision to hide the Navigation menu after you select a menu item.
Find words that sound the same when performing searches Select this option if you want Vision to include words that sound alike in its results when performing searches. For example, if you select this option and search for John Smythe, Vision can find John Smith. Otherwise, Vision only includes exact matches.
Use flat dashboard styling Select this option to change the Dashboard format to a flat style, which includes a different style of graphics and color selections for the header bar. You must log out of Vision and then log back in for your changes to take effect.
Allow field selection for Info Center dashparts Select this option so that the Select Fields option is available for Info Center dashparts. When this option is cleared, the Select Fields option will not be available for Info Center dashparts.

When this option is selected, displaying a Dashboard that contains Info Center System dashparts will take time to load. A longer loading time may be experienced for a Dashboard with many Info Center System dashparts. Clearing this option can improve the load time of the Dashboard.

Automatically retrieve records when opening lookups Select this option if you want Vision to search automatically for all records when lookups are opened. If a lookup limit rule is in place, Vision applies the limit when the search takes place. You set lookup limit rules on the Lookup tab in Configuration > General > System Settings. This option is available only if the Allow users to automatically retrieve records in lookups option is selected on the same tab.
Automatically retrieve your record in Employee Info Center/Employee Review Select this option if you want your employee record to be loaded automatically when you go to the Employee Info Center or to Employee Review. This option is related to the feature that allows employees to update their own employee record and to view details associated with their payroll payments.
Delegate Approvals to This applies if you use the Invoice Approvals and/or Approval Workflow feature. Select this check box if you normally approve invoices and/or purchase requisitions, request for price quotes, purchase orders, and item requests, but you temporarily need to assign another person to perform approvals in your absence. For example, you may be going on a vacation or a business trip.

After you select this check box, click in the field to the right of the check box, and select the employee that will perform the approvals in your absence.

After you click OK to save these settings, the person whom you designated to approve invoices will receive invoice approval alerts and have the ability to approve and reject invoices for you. This person must also have the role security that allows access to the Invoice Approvals and Interactive Billing menus in Billing and access to the appropriate projects. You (the delegator) will continue to receive alerts (along with the delegate) so that you are aware of any invoices processed in your absence.

The same delegate will act as the approver for purchase requisitions, request for price quotes, purchase orders, and item requests approvals and must also have the appropriate role security that allows access to all of these. Notifications on approvals are sent to both the delegate and the delegator.

When you can resume performing approvals, clear the Delegate Approvals to check box. The delegate will stop receiving approval alerts, and he or she will no longer receive approval assignments on your behalf.

An alternative to using the delegate system for invoice approval is to create a different invoice approval process in Configuration > Billing > Invoice Approvals to use for projects when employees are unable to perform their invoice approval tasks. You can change the invoice approval process in Billing Terms for a project at any time. You can use Search and Replace utility to update the invoice approval process for a group of projects.

Display Settings Click this button to display the Display Settings dialog box, on which you can change the appearance of the Vision interface.
Change Password Click this button to display the Change Password dialog box. Enter your old password, enter your new password, confirm your new password, and then click OK.