Form 1099 Electronic Filing Dialog Box

Use the Form 1099 Electronic Filing Dialog Box to provide data needed to identify an electronic 1099 file.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Form 1099 Processing.
  2. On the toolbar of the Form 1099 Processing form, click Electronic Filing > 1099.


Field Description
Transmitter Control Code Enter the number that the Internal Revenue Service gave to your firm for use in electronic filing reporting.
Contact Name Enter alphanumeric characters for the name of this vendor's contact.
File Name Enter the name to use for the electronic filing report file, such as IRSTAX.
Contact Phone Number Enter the telephone number of the person to contact at your firm about electronic or magnetic files. Do not use hyphens (-).
Contact Phone Extension Enter the telephone extension of the person to contact at your firm about electronic or magnetic files.
Contact Email Address Enter the email address of the person to contact at your firm about electronic or magnetic files.
Transmitter File Number If you are filing electronically, enter the number used to identify a particular piece of media.
Payer Name Control Enter the information from the label on the 1099 package that is mailed to most payers each December.
Payer Office Code Enter the office code, if any, of the payer.
Last Filing Indicator Select this option if this is the last year that the payer and this tax identification number mix are filing information returns electronically, magnetically, or on paper.
Test File Indicator Select this option if this is a test file.
Replacement File Indicator Select this option if this file is sent as a replacement for a file that the IRS/MCC has told you in writing cannot be processed, or that the FIRE System rejects under File Status.
File Name for a Replacement File If an electronic file is rejected under File Status, enter the original or correct electronic file name assigned by the IRS electronic FIRE System.
Replacement Alpha Character Required for replacement files. Enter the character that is after the TCC number on the Electronic Filing Tracking slip (Form 9267).