Budget Tab of General Ledger Budgeting

Use the Budget tab of General Ledger Budgeting to create and maintain account budgets on an annual and period-by-period basis.


Field Description
Budget Name Enter the name for the budget. Each budget must have a unique name.
Budget Year When you create a new budget, Vision automatically enters the current year in this field but you can change it. Vision uses the year in this field to select budgets by year for General Ledger reporting.
Organization Select the organization to associate with this budget. This is useful for reporting purposes. You can enter the full name in the Organization field or click to display the Organization lookup. You can only access budgets for organizations to which you have the proper security access rights.
Automatically distribute annual budgets Click this option to distribute the amount entered in an account's Annual field evenly across all periods. You must select this option prior to entering the amount. Vision calculates the distribution after you enter a value in the Annual field and then move the cursor off the field.
Period Range Enter a numeric range of periods to include in the current budget. For example if your periods coincide with calendar months, enter 1 in the first field and 12 in the second field to cover the entire year.

By default, Vision includes 12 fields for the period range, 1-12. This range can be changed in Utilities. No matter what you enter in the Period Range fields, fields 1-12 remain visible and active. However, for functions such as distributing or compounding the annual budget, Vision uses the values that you enter in the Period Range fields.

For example if you enter 1 and 3 in these fields and then select an account from the Budget grid and click Tools > Compound Annual Budget at 10%, Vision calculates the annual budget for three periods, and populates the appropriate values in Fields 1, 2, and 3 only.

Distribute Annual Click this option to divide the total budget amount (in the Annual field) by the number of periods and enter the result in each of the period fields.
Reset Annual Click this option to add the total of all amounts in each period field for the selected account and enter the result in the Annual field.
Refresh Names Click this option to restore the selected account name to the original Accounts Info Center name.

Budget Grid

Field Description
Insert Click this option to add an account to your budget. A new, blank row opens on the grid.
Delete Select an account from the grid and click this option to delete the account from the budget.
Account Enter an account number or click to display the Account lookup.

You can also import accounts from the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, or another budget.

If you use the Multicompany feature, you can only select accounts to which the budget has access. A budget can access any account set up with the Available to all Companies option in the Chart of Accounts Info Center, or any account to which the budget's associated organization and company have access. A budget is associated with an organization from the Organization field on this form, and each organization is associated with a company. Each account can be associated with any number of companies from the Company Access grid in the Accounts Info Center.

Account Name Vision populates this field when you enter an account in the Account field. Vision uses the name of the account that is stored in the Chart of Accounts Info Center. You can change the account name here, but that will not change the name in the Chart of Accounts Info Center. The name that you enter here appears on the printed budget.
Annual Enter the total annual amount of the budget. You can enter this amount manually, or enter period-by-period amounts and click Reset Annual to have Vision calculate the resulting annual budget.
1-12 Enter a budget for each period in the year. You can enter these amounts manually, have them automatically calculated based on the annual amount, or copy them from the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, or another budget.
Reference Enter an amount in this column if you want to track an amount associated with a budget line; for example, if you want to adjust a budget amount but still keep track of the original amount. The reference column can be used for many purposes, but is for display, only. It does not affect any calculations or distributions.