
A record is a collection of data pertaining to an individual entity such as a project, employee, or client. You enter information about the record on forms and dialog boxes. For example, each project record contains data that you specify on the tabs of the Project Info Center form.

You can add a new record at any time, and you can modify, delete, or copy an existing record whenever you choose.

You maintain records in the Info Center. To access records or add new ones, click Info Center on the Vision Navigation menu and then click the record type that you want to access.

Record Types

The primary Info Center record types are the following:

  • Clients
  • Contacts
  • Leads
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Opportunities
  • Employees
  • Projects
  • Units
  • Vendors
  • Text Library
  • Accounts

Other records that you may work with in Vision include:

  • Plans
  • Proposals
  • Vouchers
  • Invoices

Record Management

The Info Center section of the help explains how to:

  • Add records
  • Copy records
  • Delete records
  • Edit records
  • Link records
  • Link external files to records
  • Merge records
  • Print records
  • Schedule activities