Start Vision and Log In

When you start Vision, you log in, select an accounting period, and then select an application.

Deltek recommends that you work in prior periods only to print reports for prior periods. Processing data in prior periods can lead to unexpected results.

To start Vision and log in, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Vision icon on your desktop or go to your firm’s designated Vision site on the Internet (or your firm’s Intranet).
  2. On the Login dialog box, enter your Vision ID in the User ID field and enter your Vision password in the Password field.
  3. From the drop-down list for the Database field, select a Vision database.
  4. Optional. On the User Options dialog box, you can specify the application that you want to display automatically when you log on to Vision; select Do not load startup application to bypass this choice and go to the welcome page instead.
  5. If your firm uses Vision in multiple languages, select the language that you want from the drop-down list for the Language field.
  6. Click the Log In button. The Period Selection dialog box displays, unless you previously enabled the Automatically default to current period at startup option.
  7. Select the accounting period in which you want to process data.
  8. Select or clear the Automatically default to current period at startup option. If you select this option, Vision opens the current period each time that you log in and does not display the Period Selection dialog box.
  9. Click OK. The Vision Navigation menu displays. Your startup application also displays, unless you chose Do not load startup application.
  10. Use the Navigation menu to select an application or use the toolbar to open the Dashboard.