Transaction Posting

Use the Transaction Center to post transaction files to your database. When you post transaction files in Vision, two types of posting activities are processed: explicit postings and implicit postings. Both posting types affect your general ledger accounts.

Generally speaking, Vision posts one side of a general ledger entry explicitly and the other implicitly. An exception is journal entries, which require you to explicitly specify both the debit and credit entries.

Explicit Postings

When you create a transaction file in Vision and enter a transaction item, you enter the general ledger account that you want to debit or credit for the transaction amount. When you post the transaction file, Vision debits or credits the accounts specified for each transaction in the transaction file.

For example, when you enter an invoice, you identify the revenue account that should be credited for the invoiced amount when you post the invoice transaction file.

Implicit Postings

When you install Vision, you specify which general ledger accounts you want to debit or credit when you post different types of transactions. When you post transaction files, Vision debits or credits the appropriate accounts automatically, based on the type of transaction you are posting.

For example, when you install Vision, you establish at least one automatic posting account for Accounts Receivable. When you post an invoice, Vision explicitly credits the revenue account that you specified in the transaction file and implicitly debits the Accounts Receivable automatic posting account specified in Vision Accounting Configuration.