Use the Process Queue Manager

The Process Queue Manager utility allows you to review the processes in a process queue and perform management tasks such as holding, releasing, and cancelling tasks.

To use the Process Queue Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Process Server > Queue Manager.
  2. From the Queue drop-down list on the Process Queue Monitor form select a queue to review.

    Vision displays the processes associated with that queue.

  3. To narrow the list of processes, select one of the following actions:
    • Use the Current Processes to Include or History Processes to Include options.
    • If you display historical processes, use the From the Previous __ Days field. To include all processes, leave the field blank. To retrieve only those processed within a specified number of days, enter the number of days.
  4. To sort the list of processes, click the heading (such as Status or Submitter).
  5. Perform process server tasks, such as holding, releasing, and cancelling jobs.
  6. Click Save.