Alerts and Vision Navigator Integration

If you are using Vision Navigator, you or your Vision Administrator can set up two types of Planning alerts, process and database, that send messages to your Vision dashboard or through email to team members when changes are made to Vision Navigator plans.

Alerts are available with or without the Vision Resource Planning module.

Process Alerts

Process alerts are triggered by a reaction to information defined on your process server. These alerts apply only to published plan data. Alerts are triggered when any of the following occur:

  • Resource utilization percentages are exceeding, or falling short of, percentage thresholds that you specify for a plan.

  • Budget milestone amounts or percentages have been reached.

  • EAC hours or amounts exceed the established baseline for the plan.

Database Alerts

Database alerts are triggered by a change in information in your database. They are triggered dynamically and do not depend on schedules that are defined on the process server. Alerts are triggered when any of the following happen:

  • A new plan is created, an existing plan is modified, or a Vision plan is converted to a Navigator plan. This alert occurs when the plan is published. If a plan is deleted, an alert automatically triggers.

  • Resource assignments for a plan have been made by someone other than the original author of that plan. This alert occurs on the most recent set of resources when the plan is published.

  • The plan baseline has changed, after you save the current version of the plan as the baseline version. This is useful when you compare baseline labor costs to actual labor costs on the screen or in a report. This alert occurs when the plan is published.

Open the Vision or Navigator Project

When you receive an alert, you can select the Vision or the Navigator link to open the project in the respective application. These alerts are delivered via Vision Dashboard or your personal email.