Set or Reset Your Weblink Password

Before your firm can use the Weblink utility for the first time, your system administrator must set up the Weblink password. The administrator does this from the Vision Web/Application server. After the password is set, any user with the password can access the Weblink utility from any computer on the network via the Weblink URL.

Your system administrator can also reset the password at any time from the Vision Web/Application server.

To set or reset the Weblink Utility password, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Web/Application server, open the Weblink utility using this address: http://localhost/[name of virtual directory for Vision]client]/weblink.htm

    For example, http://localhost/visionclient/weblink.htm

    You must use the word "localhost" in the address as it is written above to access the Change WebLink Password menu.

    You must replace [name of virtual directory for Vision] with the virtual directory name that your firm has established for Vision, appending Client to the end of it. If you access Weblink from the Deltek Vision program group on the Start menu, it will automatically use the correct URL.

  2. Click the Change Password menu (located on all of the Weblink tabs).
  3. In the New Password field, enter a password. The password must be at least 6 characters long and have three out of the four following characteristics:
    • At least one lower case character
    • At least one upper case character
    • At least one numeric character
    • At least one special character (!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*)
  4. To confirm the password, enter it again in the Repeat Password field.
  5. Click Change Password. Any user who is supplied with this password can now log into the Weblink utility from any computer that can access the Vision Web/Application server.

    After the Weblink password is set, you can use the Change Password menu in the Weblink utility to change it.