Tax File Generation Overview

Use Tax File Generation to produce files that contain tax reporting information.

The Tax File Generation program displays in the Accounting menu only when you select the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box on the Tax Auditing tab in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings.

On the Tax File Generation form in Accounting > Tax File Generation, you select a file format for the tax file that you want to produce and choose other options for generating the file.

Tax reports use your firm's address information, which is entered on the General tab in Configuration > General > Company Settings.

Belgium Tax Files

You can generate tax files in XML format for the following tax reports to send to the Belgium tax authorities:
  • Intra EU Community — This is an annual report of the taxes that your firm has collected from sales to clients in other countries within the European Union (excluding Belgium). The report includes the invoice amount per client, per period.
  • Belgium Client Listing — This is an annual report of the total tax amount and total invoice amount for each tax registration number, for all your clients in Belgium.
  • VAT Declaration — This is a monthly value-added tax (VAT) declarations report.

You create a tax file in Vision, save the file on your local or network drive, and then send the file to the Belgium tax authorities as you normally do.

You can also print a backup report that shows the detail that was used to create the contents of the XML files.

German ELSTER Tax Files

For each of your companies in Vision, you can generate a file for the monthly VAT tax return to submit through the German ELSTER (ELektronische STeuerERklärung) electronic transmission system. You generate a Transfer.ini file in Vision, save it on your local or network drive, and send it to the German tax authorities as you normally do.

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