Convert Project Keys

Use the Project Key Conversion utility to change a project number or to combine/close out project data into a single project.

Prerequisite: Back up your Vision database.

Before you combine projects, it is important to consider if the projects have associated plans. See the Combining or Moving Projects, Phases, or Tasks online help topics for additional information.

When you combine project numbers, Vision:
  • Combines budgets and data in the project financials tables.
  • Deletes billing terms and invoice detail (you cannot reprint old invoices).
  • Updates the accounts receivable paid period to the most recent period.

In addition to combining data between two existing project numbers, you can use the Project Closeout Utility to set up a new project number in which to close out project numbers that are no longer in use. See the Project Closeout Utility for additional information.

To change or combineproject numbers, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Key Conversions > Projects.
  2. Complete the fields on the Key Convert Projects form.
  3. If you are combining existing projects, select the Combine existing Projects checkbox.

    For more information on combining projects, see the related conceptual topics in the Combining or Moving Projects, Phases, or Tasks conceptual online help topics.

  4. Select one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    To save the conversion to run later Click Save.
    To run the conversion now Click Run.
    To schedule the conversion to run on a regular basis via the process server Click Schedule and complete the Schedule dialog box.