Clean Up Orphaned Report Files and Old Log File Rows

Use Report Administration to delete orphaned reports and old log file rows.

When you generate a report, Vision creates:

  • A report file that it uses to display or print the report. When you close the Preview window or when report processing is completed on the server, Vision automatically deletes the report file. However, in some cases, such as when a report fails or the Preview window closes abnormally, the report file may not be deleted. Over time, you can accumulate a number of these orphaned report files.
  • Log file rows, which are only for reference purposes and can be removed at any time.

To clean up orphaned report files or old log file rows, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Report Administration.
  2. Click the Database Cleanup tab.
  3. To delete orphaned report files, complete the following actions:
    1. Specify the minimum age in days for the files you want to delete (for example, all files older than 10 days).
    2. Click Delete Reports to delete the file immediately, or click Schedule Delete to set up a scheduled process to perform the deletions at a later time.
  4. To delete log rows, complete the following actions:
    1. Specify the minimum age in days for the rows you want to delete (for example, all log rows older than 10 days).
    2. Click Delete Log Rows to delete the log rows immediately, or click Schedule Delete to set up a scheduled process to perform the deletions at a later time.