Enable Phases/Tasks Form

Use the Enable Phases/Tasks form to enable phases on a project with no phases, and to enable tasks on a phase with no tasks.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Key Conversions > Enable Phases/Tasks.


Field Description
Project The project number of the project you select.
Phase To activate this field, enter and save a phase identifier in the New Phase field and click Run. Click and select the phase from the project's phase lookup.
Name Vision populates this field with the name of the project selected in this row.
New Phase Required, until you enter and save the new phase's identifier and click Run. After the phase is enabled, this field displays the selected phase's identifier.
New Task Enter the new task's identifier and click Run.
New Name

Vision populates this editable field with the project name.

Use it to enter the name for a new phase or task before enabling it.

Lookup/Insert Click this option to insert a new grid row and open the Project Lookup.
Insert Click this option to insert a new grid row.
Delete Click the row to delete, then click this option to delete the selected grid row.