Key Convert Tax Codes Form

Use the Key Convert Tax Codes form to change tax codes that are used throughout Vision.

You can change an existing tax code's code to a new code (for example, from MA to MASS). You can also combine (consolidate) an existing tax code with another existing tax code.

In the grid on this form, you enter a separate row for each tax code that you want to convert. When you enter multiple tax codes in the grid, they are each converted in the order that you entered them in the grid.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Key Conversions > Tax Codes.


Form Toolbar

Field Description
Save Click this option to save the entries on this form.
Run Click this option to run the conversion process immediately for the tax codes that you entered in the grid.
Schedule Click this option to display the Schedule dialog box. On the dialog box, select a processing queue, enter a description, and specify the date and time that you want the conversion process to run for the tax codes that you entered in the grid.
Help Click this option to display the help topic for the form.

Check Box

Field Description
Combine Existing Tax Codes Select this check box if you want to combine existing tax codes.

When you combine an existing tax code with a new tax code that does not exist in Vision, you are essentially changing the existing tax code's code to a new code.

When you combine an existing tax code with another existing tax code, for example combining tax code A with tax code B (where tax code B will be the remaining tax code), tax code A is deleted from Tax Codes Configuration in Configuration > Accounting > Taxes. The configuration settings for the remaining tax code B are the same as before the conversion; none of the configuration settings from tax code A get combined with tax code B's settings.

Transactions that used tax code A before it was combined with tax code B still retain tax code A information and calculations. In unposted transactions, tax code A is replaced with tax code B. Any default tax code fields that previously had tax code A in them now are prefilled with tax code B.

You cannot combine tax codes in the following scenarios:
  • One of the tax codes has an entry in the Non-Recoverable Tax Percentage field on the Tax Codes tab in Configuration > Accounting > Taxes. The other tax code has any of the check boxes selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab.
  • The tax code that will be deleted when converted has an active status and was used as the default tax code somewhere in Vision. The tax code that will remain has an inactive tax code (and would not function correctly as a default tax code).
  • If you use the Multicurrency feature, tax codes that have different currencies cannot be combined.

Grid Toolbar Options

The Lookup/Insert and Insert options are two different ways to add the tax codes that you want to convert to the grid.

Field Description
Lookup/Insert Click this option to open the Tax Code Lookup and select multiple tax codes to convert. Each tax code prefills in a separate row in the grid.
Insert Click this option to insert a blank row in the grid. Then click in the Tax Code grid field to open the Tax Code Lookup. Select one tax code to convert. The selected tax code prefills in the row in the grid.
Delete Select a tax code in the grid, and then click this option to delete the tax code so it will not be converted.


Field Description
Tax Code Click the Lookup/Insert or Insert option on the grid toolbar to select a tax code to convert. The tax code prefills in this field. This is the tax code that will be removed from Configuration > Accounting > Taxes.
Name This field displays the description of the tax code that you selected in the Tax Code field. The description is a blue hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to open the Tax Codes form in Configuration > Accounting > Taxes to view or modify the tax code settings. To return to the Key Convert Tax Codes form from the Tax Codes form, click the Back toolbar option on the Tax Codes form.
New Tax Code Enter a new code for the tax code that you are converting. If you selected the Combine Existing Tax Codes check box, you can enter a new or existing tax code. This is the tax code that will remain in Vision.