Process Queue Manager Tasks

Use the Process Queue Manager utility to review the processes in a process queue and perform management tasks such as holding, releasing, and cancelling tasks.

You can access the Process Queue Manager form from different areas within Vision. Some of the following tasks may not be available from all areas of Vision.

Option Description
Refresh Click this option to refresh the queue information, if you have had the Process Queue Manager opened for a period of time. Vision does not update the data automatically.
Continue/Stop If the queue is stopped, this button is labeled Continue. To start the queue, click Continue.

If the queue is running, this button is labeled Stop. To stop the queue, click Stop. You may want to stop a queue if you need to load new forms in the target printer. Stopping a queue temporarily suspends processing for the selected queue, but does not unassign it from the associated process server.

If you stop or shut down a server with active processes waiting in the queue, Vision does not delete the processes. If a process is currently running on the process server, Vision completes the current process before pausing or shutting down.

Detail Select a process, then click this option to display the Process Queue Detail dialog box, where you can view or modify a processes that you submitted. Depending on your security status, you may also be able to view or modify processes submitted by other users.

You can view the following information:

  • Process queue information including the queue ID, name, server, and status.
  • Selected process information including the process ID (a sequential number assigned to the process when it is submitted), status, submitter, accounting period for which the process was submitted, description, filename (if the process is a transaction file posting), and time submitted.
  • Completed process summary information, which allows you to monitor the time started, time ended, and comments.
  • Termination messages that you see if you run the process in real time; for example, Employee expense posting: 7 of 23 records posted. Termination messages also display information about alerts. To display the messages, select the processing job and click Termination Message.
Hold Select a process, then click this option to place a process that has a status of Waiting on hold.
Release Select a process, then click this option to release a process that has a status of Hold.
Cancel Select a process, then click this option to stop the process from running. You can only cancel processes with a status of Waiting or Hold.

You can cancel processes that you submitted. Depending on your security status, you may also be able to cancel processes submitted by other users.

If you cancel a transaction file posting, the associated transaction file is no longer selected for posting. The file is available for editing and subsequent selection for posting at a later time.

Resubmit Select a process, then click this option to resubmit a process that is Waiting or on Hold.
Delete Select a process, then click this option to delete a submitted process from a process queue.

You may need to delete a process if you submitted:

  • A report with the wrong options.
  • An Overhead Allocation run in the current period, but it still needs to be run in a prior period.
  • A data entry file for posting but you need to modify it.
  • A Batch Billing run but you need to modify selection or batch options.

You can only delete a process if the process has not been run. If you need to modify the printer to which the process has been sent, or the date and time on which the process is to run, use the resubmit option. You cannot delete Alert jobs.