Talent Management Web Service Utility

Use the Talent Management Web Service utility to connect Vision to the Talent Management Web service and sync employee records between the two applications. To use this feature, you must have installed and configured Talent Management to work with Vision.

Employee records in Talent Management are loaded into Vision as new records. You should maintain employee records in Vision. When a transfer job is run, employee records in Talent Management are updated with the changes.

For more information about setting up the Talent Management Web Service utility, contact a Deltek representative.

After You Select a Record from Talent Management

For each employee record that you select from Talent Management, Vision does the following:

  • Creates a new employee record.
  • Enters employee data such as first name, middle name, last name, home company, organization, email, address, phone numbers, and Social Security number in the Employee Info Center.
  • Assigns a new value to the Employee field, if auto numbering is enabled. The next time a transfer job is run, the value of the Employee field in Vision replaces the employee ID in Talent Management.
  • Checks that the value of the Talent Management employee ID does not exist in Vision and imports it as the value of the Employee field if auto numbering is disabled.
  • Enters the Talent Management User ID on the General tab of the Employee Info Center for reference.

You can change the data or add more information in the Employee Info Center.

Alerts When New Employees are Imported into Vision

You can create a user initiated workflow to notify specific employees in the organization that a new employee record was imported from Talent Management and was created in Vision. Set the condition of the workflow so that when the value of Em.CreateUser is Talent Management (or the value of the Audit User field), Vision sends an email message or creates an alert. The personnel can add more details to the record in the Employee Info Center.