Tolerance Report

The Tolerance Report lists the fiscal year and period, transaction type, tolerance amount, and posting sequence number for each discrepancy.


To run the Tolerance report, complete the following steps:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Advanced Utilities > Tolerance Report.


Field Description
Fiscal Year This field displays the fiscal year in which the tolerance occurred.
Fiscal Period This field displays the accounting period in which the tolerance occurred.
Posting Sequence Number

This field displays the transaction's posting sequence number, assigned by Vision during the posting process.

Vision assigns the number 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period; the number 2 to the second group, and so on.

To see a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, select Posting Review Report from the Transaction Center menu.

Transaction Type This field displays a two-letter code representing the type of transaction involved in the tolerance, such as CR for cash receipt.
Tolerance This field displays the amount of the tolerance.
Period Total This field displays the total of any tolerance amounts reported for the accounting period identified in the Fiscal Period column.
Report Total This field displays the total of all tolerance amounts included on this report.