Vision Application Server Location for Custom Reports

If you are uploading custom report files into Vision from your Vision application server, you must place the report .RDL files in the folders on the application server that match the corresponding Vision Reporting submenus from which you want users to access the reports.

You must set up folders for the custom reports on your application server under the My Reports folder in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Deltek\Vision\Reports\Custom\My Reports

Set up the following folders in the My Reports folder, exactly as they appear in this list:


You create a custom report that has employee data, and you want the report to display from the Employee submenu under Vision Reporting.

You must put the .RDL report file in the following folder before you complete the upload steps on the Load Reports tab in the Report Administration utility:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Deltek\Vision\Reports\Custom\My Reports\Employee

When you upload the report to Vision using the Report Administration utility, the report is copied to your Vision report server and is displayed in Vision in Reporting > Employee.