Chart of Accounts Info Center Form

Use the Chart of Accounts Info Center form to add or modify accounts in the standard chart of accounts.

You can also use this form to associate accounts with account groups.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.



Field Description
New After you click this option, select one of the following:
  • Select New Account to open a blank account record.
  • Select Copy Current Account to copy the current account to a new record. You can then edit the copied record to create a new account.
  • Select Select Account to Copy to open the Account lookup and select an account to copy. You can then edit the copied account to create a new account.
Delete Click this option to delete an Info Center record.
Print After you click this option, select one of the following:
  • Select Print Current Account to print the account currently open in the browser.
  • Select Print Active Group to print all currently open accounts, if more than one account is open.
  • Select Select Account to Print to open the Account lookup and select accounts to print.

If your firm uses the Deltek First Vision Essentials cloud version of Vision, the Print option is not available. You can preview reports onscreen and then print the reports from the Preview window.

Detail View/List View Either the Detail View or the List View option (but not both) displays on the toolbar.
  • List View — This option displays when you have the Detail View of the Info Center form open. Click this option to change to the List View and display the information in a grid format on the form. The fields for each record are displayed in columns in a grid rather than on separate tabs. In the grid, you can display one or more Info Center records at a time. You can add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid by clicking the Select Fields option on the grid toolbar.
  • Detail View — This option displays when you have the List View of the Info Center form open. Click this option to change to the Detail View and display the information on tabs on the form. This is the default view that displays when you open this Info Center. Detail View is the view that is described in help topics.

The Info Center records that you select on the Standard Lookup or the Advanced Lookup in the Search field on the Info Center form display in the List View and Detail View.

Save Click this option to save your work.

If a Default Group Table is specified on the General tab of Accounting System Settings, the table automatically displays on the Account Groups grid. You must specify a Detail Group Name in order to save the new account record.

Help Click this option to display the online help.


Field Description
Number Enter the account number. The maximum account number length is determined on a firmwide basis during installation.
Name Enter a unique name to identify this account.

If the Do not allow Account Name Changes check box is selected on the Accounts tab in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings for a company, you cannot change the name in this field after a transaction (posted or unposted) has been created for this account.

Type Select an account type to classify the account. Vision uses this information for organizational purposes on the account reports.

You can insert accounts of a different type within the ranges established on the Standard Chart of Accounts. However, after an account is referenced in a transaction file or posted, you cannot modify the account type.


Select one of the following options to determine how detail displays on the General Ledger Account Analysis report:

  • Show Detail — Select this option to include all details.
  • No Detail — Select this option to include only the net change for the selected period.
  • Summarized — Select this option to include one entry per journal per date for dates on which transactions occurred.

    Use this option when details are reviewed in other reports, such as checking and payroll accounts.

Status Select one of the following settings to indicate the account status:
  • Active — Select this option if the account is currently in use.
  • Inactive — Select this option if the account is not currently used. When you select this option, it removes the account from the list of active accounts that displays on the Account lookup, but the account remains in Vision to report on history.
  • Dormant — Select this option to indicate that the account cannot be used in Vision.
FAS Depreciation Account This field displays the account to use for recording depreciation amounts imported from Best FAS via the Data Import utility. In the Utilities help, see the discussion of the FAS depreciation entry table formats for a list of fields and data types used to prepare a file containing FAS depreciation data for import.
Cash Basis Account

This field displays only if your firm selected the Cash-basis reporting option on the General Tab of Accounting System Settings in Configuration. If your firm has enabled cash-basis reporting, you must add a cash-basis account in the Chart of Accounts for certain accrual-based accounts. To specify a cash-basis account for an accrual, enter the account number in this field, or click and use the Account Lookup.

The following guidelines are recommended accrual account to cash-basis account mappings.

Accrual-Basis Cash-Basis (offsetting account)
111.00, 112.00, 113.00 Accounts Receivable asset accounts 401.00

Billed Fee Revenue

210.00, 211.00, 212.00 Accounts Payable liability accounts Not applicable if the Accounts Payable application is installed. The account charged when cash is disbursed will be the same as the original account on the A/P vouchers. If you do not have the Accounts Payable application installed, establish a separate cash-basis expense account: 631.00.

You do not need to map a cash-basis account to an accounts payable liability account. Accounts Payable makes this mapping automatically and makes the cash-basis entry when the liability is paid.

If you select a cash-basis account, you cannot select the Update Cash Basis during Revaluation option.

Account Groups Grid

Account groups provide a way to group accounts on General Ledger reports. Use this grid to associate account group tables with the current chart of accounts. If your system administrator defines a default account group table on the General tab of Accounting System Settings, the table name displays on this grid when you save the account record and refresh the grid.

Field Description
Account Groups Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Refresh After you enter and save a new account record, click this option to refresh the Accounts Group grid information. If your system administrator defined a default account group table on the General tab of Accounting System Settings, the table automatically displays on this grid when you refresh.
Insert Click this option to access the Account Group Table lookup. Vision displays the default account group table and all account groups your security role can access. Enter criteria to look up and select an account table. Vision associates the account group table with the current account record.

You can enter the same group table multiple times in the grid, but you must select a different Detail Group Name for each group table.

Delete Select a grid row and click this option to remove the account group table from the grid. You cannot delete the default account group table. You cannot delete a row if the account is part of a range for the respective account group
Group Table If your system administrator defines a default account group table on the General tab of Accounting System Settings, the table name displays on this grid when you save the account record and refresh the grid.

Click Insert to access the Account Group Table lookup. Vision displays the default account group table and all account groups your security role can access. Enter criteria to look up and select an account table. Vision associates the account group table with the current account record.

You can enter the same group table multiple times in the grid, but you must select a different Detail Group Name for each group table.

Detail Group Name Click Search to display the Detail Group Name lookup. This lookup lists the detail group names that are associated with the current group table. Select a detail group name. Vision adds the detail group name to the grid.

You cannot modify the Detail Group Name after it is associated with a Group Table, but you can delete this row if you no longer need it.

When you save a Group Table and Detail Group Name combination, Vision automatically inserts this combination into the respective Account Group Table. This uses the same Start Account and End Account in the Accounts in Detail Account Group Name grid on the Detail Account Group tab.

Available to all Companies If you use the Multicompany feature, select this option to make this account available to all companies set up for your enterprise. Employees of any company established in Vision can select the account to charge time, charge expenses, or post transactions. If this option is selected, this account will also be searchable for all companies if you select Company on the Search Field column on the advanced search of the account lookup.

By default, each account that you create is unavailable to any company, including the active company, until you specify access rights for it. Therefore, you need to specify company access for each account you create. If the account is not available to all companies, then you must specify the Companies that have access in the Company Access grid.

When you select the Available to all Companies option, Vision prompts you to save any changes you made to the account information and to verify that you do want to make the account available for use by any company in your enterprise.

Company Access Grid

The Company Access grid options and columns are only available if your firm uses the Multicompany feature.

Field Description
Insert To specify just one company, or a set of companies, that should have access to the current account, click this option and select the company that can access the account. Repeat these steps to add more companies to the listing in the grid.
Delete To remove a company's access to the current account, select that company from the grid and click this option.
Company After you click Insert, select the company identifier from the drop-down list. When you select a company, you grant that company access to use the current account.
Name The company name displays in this field when you select a company from the Company field.
Currency Code If you use Multicurrency, select the currency to use for this account. This drop-down list displays the currencies enabled for use by your company. If you specify a currency that is different from the company's functional currency, the account is a foreign denominated account.
Update Cash Basis during Revaluation If you use Multicurrency and you use cash basis reporting, select this option to post cash basis entries for revaluation gains and losses for a foreign-denominated account. If this option is not selected, only the accrual financials are updated when you run gains and loss processing.
User Defined Currency If you use Multicurrency, use this drop-down to select a currency code for the account. This field displays only if you added at least one custom currency field to the Account Info Center.
Revaluation Gain Account If you use Multicurrency, use this option to specify a revaluation gain account for individual foreign-denominated accounts. The unrealized gain is posted to the balance sheet of that account. The Revaluation Gain Account overrides the unrealized gain account defined on the Gains and Losses tab of Accounting Company Settings. This field is only available when a currency is defined on the account.

Click Search and select the account to which unrealized gains will be posted. This lookup lists valid balance sheet accounts. If you also use Multicompany, only those accounts that belong to the active company display in the Account lookup.

If you do not select a Revaluation Gain Account in this field, Vision uses the revaluation gain account defined on the Gains and Losses tab of Accounting Company Settings.

Revaluation Loss Account If you use Multicurrency, use this option to specify a loss account for individual foreign-denominated accounts. The unrealized loss is posted to the balance sheet of that account. The revaluation loss account overrides the unrealized loss account defined on the Gains and Losses tab of Accounting Company Settings. This field is only available when a currency is defined on the account.

Click Search and select the account to which unrealized losses will be posted. This lookup lists valid balance sheet accounts. If you also use Multicompany, only those accounts that belong to the active company display on the Account lookup. If you do not select a revaluation loss account in this field, Vision uses the unrealized loss account defined on the Gains and Losses tab of Accounting Company Settings.