Credit Card Configuration Overview

You turn on and configure the Credit Card feature in Accounting Configuration.

Before you can turn on the Credit Card feature, you must turn on the Allow entry of company paid items feature on the Setup tab in Configuration --> Time & Expense --> Company Expense. Then you can turn on the Credit Card feature on the General tab in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings.

If you have multiple companies in Vision, you enable the Company-Paid and Credit Card features for each appropriate company in your enterprise.

In Credit Card Configuration (Configuration > Accounting > Credit Cards), you set up information for each of your company's primary credit cards. For each primary credit card, you set up secondary credit cards and the employee who are authorized to use them.

If you will be importing credit card charges from your credit card company into Vision for a primary credit card, you specify the settings for the import file—its contents and formatting—on the Import tab in Credit Card Configuration.

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