Project Data Cube Dimensions

There are numerous dimensions available from the Project data cube. These dimensions display in the Excel 2007 PivotTable Field List in an Excel worksheet when you connect to the Project data cube to create a Vision custom report.

The Project dimensions that you see in Excel may differ from the list in this topic because:

Dimensions in the Project Data Cube

Accounts Group

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Accounts dimensions on a report:

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Billed
  • Expenses
  • Plan Expenses
  • Received
  • Revenue - Project


  • Report Type - Account Type - Account Number — This is a collapsed hierarchy that splits data into one of the two basic financial statements — Balance Sheet or Income Statement. Within the Balance Sheet grouping is an Asset and Liability sub-grouping. And individual general ledger accounts are listed within each of these groups. This dimension groups related accounts together and allows a temporary reorder of the chart of accounts for financial reporting purposes.

Click the down arrow beside the Report Type - Account Type - Account Number dimension in the Excel PivotTable Field List. On the dialog box, select the Balance Sheet or Income Statement check box.

More Fields Folder


  • Account Currency Code — If you use the Muliticurrency feature, this is the currency that is used for a general ledger account. It is entered on the General tab in the Accounting Info Center.

  • Account Number - Name — This is the combination of the number and name of the general ledger account to which a transaction is posted. This is sorted by account number. You can create a Project Expense Detail type report with this dimension.

  • Account Status — This is the current status of the general ledger account that is entered on the General tab in the Chart of Accounts. Possible values are: Active, Dormant, and Inactive.

  • Account Type — This is the type of the general ledger account entered on the General tab in the Chart of Accounts. Possible values are: Direct Consultant, Direct Other, Indirect, Other Charges, Reimbursable Consultant, and Reimbursable Other.

  • Report Type — This displays the financial statement (Balance Sheet or Income Statement) for which a transaction is posted.

Activities Group


  • Activity Client

  • More Fields

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

Use Activities dimensions with Activities measures.


  • Activity End Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count activities by their end date. When you add this dimension and the Activities Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Activity dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example, you can count the types of activities by their end date year, quarter, and month. More Information

  • Activity Start Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count activities by their start date. When you add this dimension and the Activities Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Activity dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example, you can count the types of activities by their start date year, quarter, and month. More Information.

Activity Client Folder

The values for the following dimensions are entered on the General tab of the Client Info Center for an activity's client.

You can also use these dimensions with the Activity Clients Count measure in the Activity Client Measures group.

  • Activity Client City — This is the city of the client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Client Country — This is the country of the client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Client Parent — This is the client associated as the parent to the current client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Client Relationship — This is your relationship with the client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Client State-Province — This is the state or province of the client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Client Status — This is the status (Active, Dormant, or Inactive) of the client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Client Type — This is the type that classifies the client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Client User Defined Currency — This applies if you use the Multicurrency feature and have at least one user-defined currency field in the Client Info Center. It is the currency assigned to the client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Client ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP code or postcode of the client who is associated with an activity.

More Fields Folder

The values for the following dimensions are entered on the Details tab of the Activity dialog box in Vision.

  • Activity Client Name — This is the client who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Contact Name — This is the primary contact who is associated with an activity.

  • Activity Employee Created By Name — This is the employee who created an activity, as entered in the Created By field on the Details tab of the Activity dialog box.

  • Activity Employee Owner Name — This is the employee who is the owner of an activity, as entered in the Activity Owner field on the Details tab of the Activity dialog box.

  • Activity End Date — This is the date that an activity is scheduled to end.

  • Activity Is All Day Event — This dimension allows you to identify and distinguish the activities that are scheduled for the entire day (Yes) from the activities that are not scheduled for the entire day (No).

  • Activity Is Completed — This dimension allows you to identify and distinguish the activities that are complete (Yes) from the activities that are not complete (No).

  • Activity Is From Planning — If you use the Planning module, this dimension allows you to identify and distinguish the activities that are created from the Planning module (Yes) from the activities that are not created from the Planning module (No). You can use this dimension in combination with the Activities Count measure to filter out Planning activities. Select the No filter for the Activity Is From Planning No dimension. This gives you an accurate report of the activities that are create elsewhere in Vision.

  • Activity Is Private — This dimension allows you to identify and distinguish the activities that are private and can be viewed only by the owner, creator, and attendees of the activity (Yes or No).

  • Activity Opportunity Name — This is the name of the opportunity associated with an activity.

  • Activity Priority — This is the priority (High, Medium, or Low) of an activity.

  • Activity Project Name — This is the name of the project associated with an activity.

  • Activity Start Date — This is the date on which an activity is scheduled to begin.

  • Activity Subject — This is the description of an activity.

  • Activity Type — This is an activity's type (meeting, phone call, and so on).

Billing Status Group

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Billing Status dimensions on a report:

  • Expenses

  • Labor


Billing Status — This is the current status of the transaction. Possible values are:

  • B – Billable

  • D - To be deleted

  • F - Final billed

  • H - Held

  • M – Modified

  • N - Not billable

  • D - Deleted

  • R - Partial Hold/Released

  • T - Transferred

  • W - To be written off

  • X - Written off

Employees Group


  • Address

  • More Fields

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Employee dimensions on a report:

  • Activities Measures

  • Compensation - Contract

  • Employees Contract Credits

  • Expenses

  • Labor

  • Plan Labor

  • Time Analysis


The values for the following dimensions are entered on the General tab and Personal tab in the Vision Employee Info Center:

  • Employee Hire Date Calendar — Use this dimension to group employees by their hire date year, quarter, and month. Hire Date is on the Employee Info Center General tab. When you add this dimension and the Employees Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Employee dimensions as the primary sort for the count.

  • Employee Raise Date Calendar — Use this dimension to group employees by their raise date year, quarter, and month. Raise Date is on the Employee Info Center Personal tab. When you add this dimension and the Employees Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Employee dimensions as the primary sort for the count.

  • Employee Termination Date Calendar — Use this dimension to group employees by their termination date year, quarter, and month. Termination Date is on the Employee Info Center Personal tab. When you add this dimension and the Employees Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Employee dimensions as the primary sort for the count.

  • Employees by Geography — This is a predefined hierarchy that groups employees by their Employee Country, Employee State, and Employee City, found on the Employee Info Center Personal tab.

  • Employees by Org — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this dimension allows you to group employees by their organization. This is the full organization that is comprised of a combination of all the levels that make up an organization. An employee's organization is entered on the General tab in the Employee Info Center.

  • Employees by Org1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this dimension allows you to group employees by the first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Employees by Org2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have a level 2 in your organization structure, this dimension allows you to group employees by the second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their division.

Address Folder


The values for the following dimensions are entered on the Personal tab in the Vision Employee Info Center:

  • Employee Home City — This is the city entered for an employee.

  • Employee Home Country — This is the country entered for an employee.

  • Employee Home State-Province — This is the state entered for an employee.

  • Employee Home ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP code or post code entered for an employee.

More Fields Folder


  • Employee Hire Date — This is an employee's hire date that is entered on the General tab in the Employee Info Center.

  • Employee Labor Category — This is the labor category entered for an employee on the Accounting tab in the Employee Info Center.

  • Employee — The employee's number and name. This is sorted by name. In Vision 7.0, Employee Number - Name replaced Employee from earlier versions.

  • Employee Name<Employee First, Middle, and Last names> This is an employee's first, middle, and last names, as entered on the General tab in the Employee Info Center.

  • Employee Number - Name<Employee ID> - <Employee First, Middle, and Last names> This is an employee’s ID number and name from the Employee Info Center General tab. This grouping is sorted by employee ID. In Vision 7.0, Employee Number - Name replaced Employee from earlier versions.

  • Employee Org1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this dimension allows you to group employees by the first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Employee Org2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have a level 2 in your organization structure, this dimension allows you to group employees by the second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their division.

  • Employee Org3 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have a level 3 for your organization structure, this dimension allows you to group employees by the third level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their branch.

  • Employee Org4 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have a level 4 for your organization structure, this dimension allows you to group employees by the fourth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their department.

  • Employee Org5 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have a level 5 for your organization structure, this dimension allows you to group employees by the fifth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their principal.

  • Employee Raise Date — This is an employee's raise date that is entered on the Personal tab in the Employee Info Center.

  • Employee Status — This is the status entered for an employee on the General tab in the Employee Info Center. The options are: Active, Inactive, and Terminated.

  • Employee Supervisor — This is the name of an employee's supervisor, as entered on the General tab in the Employee Info Center.

  • Employee Termination Date — This is an employee's termination date that is entered on the Personal tab in the Employee Info Center.

  • Employee Title — This is the title entered for an employee on the General tab in the Employee Info Center.

  • Employee Type — This is the type entered for an employee on the Accounting tab in the Employee Info Center.

Expense Type Group

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Expense Type dimensions on a report:

  • Expenses

  • Plan Expenses


  • Expense Type — This is a subset of Account Types that represents where the majority of the transactions will be explicitly posted. Possible values are: Reimbursable Consultant, Reimbursable Other, Direct Consultant, Direct Other, Indirect, and Other Charges.

Fiscal Period Group


  • More Fields

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Fiscal Period dimensions on a report:

  • Values

  • Accounts Receivable

  • AR Trending

  • Billed

  • Compensation - Contract

  • Expenses

  • Labor

  • Received

  • Revenue - Project


  • Fiscal Year - Quarter - Period — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups applicable measures by the described time frames.

More Fields Folder


  • Fiscal Month — This is the translation of the fiscal period portion into the actual month and year in which the transaction was posted (such as January 2012, February 2012, March 2012, and so on). If the fiscal month represents a calendar month, the name will be displayed for that month (for example, March 2012). If the fiscal month overlaps the calendar months, the beginning and ending dates will be displayed for that period. Example: 2011-01-01 - 2011-02-05

  • Fiscal Period — This is the accounting period in which a transaction is posted (such as 01/2012, 02/2012, 03/2012 and so on). Most firms have 12 fiscal periods in a fiscal year.

  • Fiscal Quarter — This is the separation of the fiscal year into 4 equal segments. For firms with 13 fiscal periods, this dimension may not be applicable because the 13th fiscal period appears in an Unknown category on reports.

  • Fiscal Year — This is the year portion of the accounting period in which the transaction is posted. Most firms are on a calendar fiscal year.


Use this dimension as a tool to see which invoices make up the various invoice aging amounts for a project.

When you use this dimension, select only one project. Otherwise, processing could take a long time, and it could time out.

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Labor Categories dimension on a report:

  • AR Balance

  • AR Trending


  • Invoice Number — This is the invoice number for an invoice.

Labor Categories Group

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Labor Categories dimension on a report:

  • Labor

  • Plan Labor


  • Labor Categories — This is the labor category referenced for an employee at the time a time sheet is submitted and posted.

Labor Codes Group

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Labor Codes dimensions on a report:

  • Labor

  • Plan Labor


  • Labor Codes By Labor Code Level 1 — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups the full labor code by the first level of the labor code structure.

  • Labor Codes By Labor Code Level 2 — If you have two labor code levels, this is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups the full labor code by the second level of the labor code structure.

More Fields Folder


  • Labor Code — This is the full labor code (comprised of all levels in the labor code structure) where labor hours are posted.

  • Labor Code Level 1 — This is the first level of the labor code structure where labor hours are posted.

  • Labor Code Level 2 — If you have two or more labor code levels, this is the second level of the labor code where labor hours are posted.

  • Labor Code Level 3 — If you have three or more labor code levels, this is the third level of the labor code where labor hours are posted.

  • Labor Code Level 4 — If you have four or more labor code levels, this is the fourth level of the labor code where labor hours are posted.

  • Labor Code Level 5 — If you have five labor code levels, this is the fifth level of the labor code where labor hours are posted.

Opportunities Group


  • Location Address

  • Opportunity Client

  • More Fields

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Opportunity dimensions on a report:

  • Activities Measures

  • Billed

  • Compensation - Contract

  • Expenses

  • Labor

  • Overhead

  • Received


  • Opportunities by Geography — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups opportunities by Opportunity Country, Opportunity State, Opportunity City, and Opportunity ZIP-Province.

  • Opportunity by Organization — This is a collapsed hierarchy that groups opportunities their organization.

  • Opportunity by Org 1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this dimension allows you to group employees by the first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Opportunity by Org 2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this dimension allows you to group employees by the second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension lists employees by their division.

  • Opportunity by Primary Client - Contact — This groups opportunities by their primary client and then primary contact. An opportunity's primary client and contact are entered on the General tab and the Contacts tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Opportunity Estimated Completion Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count opportunities by their estimated completion date. When you add this dimension and the Opportunities Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Opportunity dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example, you can count the types of opportunities by their estimated completion date year, quarter, and month.

  • Opportunity Estimated Start Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count opportunities by their estimated start date. When you add this dimension and the Opportunities Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Opportunity dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example, you can count the types of opportunities by their estimated start date year, quarter, and month.

  • Opportunity Opened Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count the number of opportunities by their opened date. When you add this dimension and the Opportunities Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Opportunity dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example, you can count the types of opportunities by their opened date year, quarter, and month.

  • Opportunity Closed Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count opportunities by their closed date. When you add this dimension and the Opportunities Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Opportunity dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example, you can count the types of opportunities by their closed date year, quarter, and month.

Location Address Folder

The values for the following dimensions are entered on the Location tab of the Opportunity Info Center.


  • Opportunity - Location City — This is the city in which the opportunity is located.

  • Opportunity - Location Country — This is the country in which the opportunity is located.

  • Opportunity - Location County — This is the county in which the opportunity is located.

  • Opportunity - Location State-Province — This is the state or province in which the opportunity is located.

  • Opportunity - Location ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP or postal code for the opportunity's location.

Opportunity Client Folder

Use the dimensions in this folder if you want a report to include only clients who have associations with opportunities.

These dimensions allow you to report on data such as:

  • Clients who have associations with opportunities.

  • Clients associated with opportunities who are located in a specific geographic location.

  • Clients of a specific client type who are associated with opportunities.

To produce meaningful report information, you must combine Opportunity Client dimensions with other Opportunity dimensions on a report. Combining Opportunity Client dimensions with dimensions from non-opportunity groups, such as the Project dimension group, does not product valid information. You can also use the Opportunity Client dimensions with the Opportunity Clients Count measure in the Opportunity Client Measures group.

In the Opportunity Info Center, you associate a primary client with an opportunity on the General tab and additional clients on the Clients/Contacts tab.

The report data for the dimensions in the Opportunity Client dimension folder is retrieved from fields in the Client Info Center.

Report Examples:

To produce a report that displays a list of all clients by client name who are associated with opportunities, add the Opportunity Client Name dimension from the Opportunity Client folder under the Opportunities group to a report. This report does not display the opportunities with which a client is associated.

To produce a report that lists client names and their associated opportunities, add the following dimensions to the report:

  • Opportunity ClientName dimension from the Opportunity Client folder under the Opportunities dimension group

  • Opportunity Name dimension from the More Fields folder under the Opportunities dimension group


For the following dimensions, the opportunity's client is specified on the Clients/Contacts tab of the Opportunity Info Center. The client information is retrieved from the Client Info Center.

  • Opportunity Client Name — This dimension is not in use.
  • Opportunity Client Name — This is the name of an opportunity's client entered in the Name field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Opportunity Client Parent — This is the name of the parent client entered in the Parent field on the General tab of the Client Info Center if an opportunity's client has a parent/subsidiary relationship. If there is no parent client, "<empty>" displays on the report. See Client Hierarchy Overview for more information.

  • Opportunity Client Primary City — This is the city from the primary address for an opportunity's client as entered in the City field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Opportunity Client Primary Country — This is the country from the primary address for an opportunity's client as entered in the Country field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. This displays the country code and description.

  • Opportunity Client Primary State-Province — This is the state or province from the primary address for an opportunity's client as entered in the State/Province field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. This displays the state or province code and description.

  • Opportunity Client Primary ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP or post code from the primary address for an opportunity's client as entered in the ZIP/Postcode field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Opportunity Client Relationship — This is your company's relationship with an opportunity's client as entered in the Relationship field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • OpportunityClient Status — This is the status (Active, Dormant, or Inactive) of an opportunity's client as entered in the Status field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Opportunity Client Type — This is the type of an opportunity's client as entered in the Type field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Opportunity Client User Defined Currency Code — If you use the Multicurrency feature, this is the user-defined currency that is entered in the User Defined Currency field on the General tab of the Client Info Center for an opportunity's client.

More Fields Folder

The dimensions in this folder are retrieved from fields on General tab in the Opportunity Info Center.


  • Opportunity Award Type — This dimension is not currently used.
  • Opportunity Client — This is the opportunity's primary client that is entered in the Primary Client field. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.
  • Opportunity Closed Date — This is the date on which you closed this opportunity. It is entered in the Date Closed field.
  • Opportunity Competition Type — This dimension is not currently used.
  • Opportunity Contract Type — This dimension is not currently used.
  • Opportunity Estimated Completion Date — This is the date on which you expect to complete the job that is associated with the opportunity. This is entered in the Estimated Completion field.
  • Opportunity Estimated Start Date — This is the date on which you expect to start the job that is associated with the opportunity. It is entered in the Estimated Start field.
  • Opportunity NAICS — This is the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the opportunity that is entered in the NAICS field on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center.
  • Opportunity Name — This is an opportunity's name that is entered in the Name field.
  • Opportunity Number-Name — This is a combination of an opportunity's number and name that is entered in the Number and Name field.
  • Opportunity Opened Date — This is the date on which you identified the opportunity and began pursuing it. The date is entered in the Date Opened field.
  • Opportunity Org — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is an opportunity's organization. This is the full organization that is comprised of a combination of all the levels that make up an organization.
  • Opportunity Org1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is an opportunity's first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is an opportunity's region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.
  • Opportunity Org2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have two or more levels in your organization structure, this is an opportunity's second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is an opportunity's division.

  • Opportunity Org3 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have three or more levels in your organization structure, this is an opportunity's third level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is an opportunity's branch.

  • Opportunity Org4 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have four or more levels in your organization structure, this is an opportunity's the fourth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is an opportunity's department.

  • Opportunity Org5 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have five or more levels in your organization structure, this is an opportunity's fifth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is an opportunity's principal.

  • Opportunity Our Role — This is your firm's expected role (such as Prime or Joint Venture) on the contract that is associated with the opportunity. This is entered in the Our Role field on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center.
  • Opportunity Primary Client — This is the opportunity's primary client that is entered in the Primary Client field.

  • Opportunity Primary Contact — This is the opportunity's primary contact that is entered in the Primary Contact field.

  • Opportunity Principal —This is the employee who is the opportunity's principal in charge entered in the Principal field.

  • Opportunity Probability — This is the opportunity's probability (percentage) that the opportunity will become a project, as entered in the Probability field.

  • Opportunity Project Manager — This is the employee who is the opportunity's project manager entered in the Project Manager field.

  • Opportunity Solicitation — This dimension is not currently used.
  • Opportunity Source — This is the opportunity's source (client referrals, consultant jobs, marketing campaigns, and so on) entered in the Source field. You use the Opportunity Source Code Table in Code Table Configuration to define opportunity source options.

  • Opportunity Stage — This is the opportunity's stage that is entered in the Stage field. You use the Opportunity Stage Code Table in Code Table Configuration to define opportunity stage options.

  • Opportunity Status — This is the opportunity's status (Active or Inactive) entered in the Status field.

  • Opportunity Supervisor — This is the employee who is the opportunity's supervisor entered in the Supervisor field.

  • Opportunity Type — This is the opportunity's type that is entered in the Type field. You use the Opportunity Type Code Table in Code Table Configuration to define opportunity type options.

  • Opportunity User Defined Currency — This is the user-defined currency that is entered in the User Defined Currency field if you use the Multicurrency feature and you have at least one custom currency field in the Client Info Center.

Plans Group

Use the dimensions in the Plans group to create Project Planning reports.

You can:

  • View data from multiple plans in one report.

  • View data from the Labor, Expense, Consultant, and Unit tabs of Project Planning in one report.

  • See historic estimate to complete (ETC) and estimate at completion (EAC) amounts relative to plan progress.

  • Use attributes from any of the other Info Centers (Project, Employee, Client, Opportunity, and so on).


  • Plan Client

  • More fields

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Plans dimensions on a report:

  • Compensation - Contract

  • Compensation - Plan

  • Compensation - Project

  • Expenses

  • Labor

  • Overhead

  • Plan Expenses

  • Plan Labor

  • Plan Totals

  • Received

  • Revenue - Plan


  • Plan End Date Calendar — Use this dimension to display information by a plan's end date — by the end date's year, quarter, and month. For example, you can report on the number of plans that ended during each year, quarter, and month by combining the Plan End Date Calendar dimension and the Plans Count measure on a report. You can also get a list of the types of plans that ended per year, quarter, and month.

  • Plan Start Date Calendar — Use this dimension to display information by a plan's start date — by the start date's year, quarter, and month. For example, you can report on the number of plans that were started each year, quarter, and month by combining the Plan Start Date Calendar dimension and the Plans Count measure on a report. You can also get a list of the type of plans that started per year, quarter, and month.

  • Plan Task Tree — This is a multi-string, hierarchical dimension that groups information for a plan down to the Task level. It does not go down to the Assignment level.

  • Plans by Principal and Project Manager — Use this to group plans by a plan's principal and project manager (entered on the General tab in Project Planning).

  • Plans by Project Manager — Use this to group plans by a plan's project manager (entered on the General tab in Project Planning).

Plan Client Folder

Use the dimensions in the Plan Client folder to report on clients associated with project plans.

To produce meaningful report data, you must combine Plan Client dimensions with other Plan dimensions. Combining Plan Client dimensions with dimensions from non-plan groups, such as the Opportunity dimension group, does not product valid information. You can also use the Opportunity Client dimensions with the Opportunity Clients Count measure in the Opportunity Client Measures group. You can also use the Plan Client dimensions with the Plan Clients Count measure in the Plan Client Measures group.

A plan's client is specified on the General tab in Planning > Project Planning. The client information is retrieved from the Client Info Center. See the Project Planning and Client Info Center tab topics for more information about these fields.


  • Plan Client Name — This is the name of a plan's client as entered in the Name field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Plan Client Parent — This is the name of the parent client if a client has a parent/subsidiary relationship. If there is no parent client, "<empty>" displays on the report. See Client Hierarchy Overview for more info about the Client Hierarchy feature in Vision.

  • Plan Client Primary City — This is the city from the primary address for a plan's client, as entered in the City field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Plan Client Primary Country — This is the country from the primary address for a plan's client, as entered in the Country field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. This displays the country code and description.

  • Plan Client Primary State-Province — This is the state or province from the primary address for a plan's client, as entered in the State/Province field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. This displays the state or province code and description.

  • Plan Client Primary ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP or post code from the primary address for a plan's client, as entered in the ZIP/Postcode field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Plan Client Relationship — This is your company's relationship with a plan's client, as entered in the Relationship field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Client Relationship code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables.

  • Plan Client Status — This is the status (Active, Dormant, or Inactive) of a plan's client, as entered in the Status field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Plan Client Type — This is the type of a plan's client as entered in the Type field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Client Type code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables.

  • Plan Client User Defined Currency — This is the user-defined currency that is entered in the User Defined Currency field on the General tab of the Client Info Center for an opportunity's client if you use the Multicurrency feature and you have at least one custom currency field in the Client Info Center.

More Fields Folder


The dimensions in the More fields folder are retrieved from the General tab in the Vision Project Planning application.

  • Plan Client — This is the plan's client. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.

  • Plan End Date — This is the plan's end date.

  • Plan Labor Multiplier Type — This is the plan's labor multiplier type that is entered in the Planned Revenue section of the General tab.

  • Plan Name — This is the plan's name.

  • Plan Number - Name — This is the plan's number and name. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.

  • Plan Opportunity — This is the plan's associated opportunity.

  • Plan Organization — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a plan's organization. This is the full organization that is comprised of a combination of all the levels that make up an organization.

  • Plan Org Level 1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a plan's first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a plan's region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Plan Org Level 2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have two or more levels in your organization structure, this is a plan's second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a plan's division.

  • Plan Org Level 3 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have three or more levels in your organization structure, this is a plan's third level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this dimension is a plan's branch.

  • Plan Org Level 4 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have four or more levels in your organization structure, this is a plan's fourth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a plan's department.

  • Plan Org Level 5 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and have five levels in your organization structure, this is a plan's fifth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a plan's principal.

  • Plan Percent Complete Formula — This is the formula entered in the % Complete Formula field.

  • Plan Principal — This is the employee who is the plan's principal.

  • Plan Probability — This is the plan's estimation of the probability that it will win a contract and become a project.

  • Plan Project Manager — This is the employee who is the plan's project manager.

  • Plan Reimbursable Method — This is the plan's reimbursable method entered in the Planned Revenue section of the General tab.

  • Plan Start Date — This is the plan's start date.

  • Plan Status — This is the plan's status (Active, Dormant, Inactive, or Purged).

  • Plan Supervisor — This is the employee who isthe plan's supervisor.

  • Plan Utilization Include Flag — Select this dimension to include plans that have the Include in Utilization and Project Reports check box selected.

Presentation Currency Group

These dimensions are included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server ™ Enterprise Edition.

This applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

For a list of valid measures that you can use with the Presentation Currency dimension on a report, see Measures That Can Be Displayed in Presentation Currency.


  • Currency — If you use the Vision Multicurrency feature, use this dimension to display measures in one or more different currencies. You choose from a list of all currencies that you have enabled for your Vision database.

    In a report design, include the Currency dimension in addition to the measure for which you want to display presentation currency.

    Before you use this dimension, currency exchange rate information must be specified on the Currency Exchange tab in Vision Analysis Cubes Configuration.

    For more information on presentation currency, see Currency Exchange for Analysis Cubes Overview.

    In a report design, include the Currency dimension in addition to the measure for which you want to display presentation currency.

    Before you use this dimension, currency exchange rate information must be specified on the Currency Exchange tab in Vision Analysis Cubes Configuration.

    For more information on presentation currency, see Currency Exchange for Analysis Cubes Overview.

Project Contracts

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Project Contracts dimension on a report:

  • Compensation - Contract

  • Employee Contract Credits


The following measures are retrieved from the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab in the Project Info Center:

  • Project Approved Date

  • Project Contract Number

  • Project Contract Status

  • Project Contract Type

  • Project Include in Fees check box

  • Project Request Date

Projects Group


  • Location Address

  • Multicurrency

  • Phase

  • Project

  • Project Billing Client

  • Project Primary Client

  • Task

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Projects dimensions on a report:

  • Values

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Activities Measures

  • AR Balance

  • AR Trending

  • Billed

  • Compensation - Contract

  • Compensation - Plan

  • Compensation - Project

  • Employee Contract Credits

  • Expenses

  • Labor

  • Overhead

  • Plan Expenses

  • Plan Labor

  • Project Measures

  • Project Budgeting

  • Received

  • Revenue - Plan

  • Revenue - Project


  • Phases by Organization — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups phases by Phase Organization. You can also expand to the task level if you use tasks.

  • Project Actual Completion Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count the number of projects by their actual completion date, which is entered on the Dates & Costs tab in the Project Info Center. When you add this dimension and the Projects Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Project dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example, you can count the types of projects per actual completion date by year, quarter, and month.

  • Project by Principal and Project Manager — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by project principal and project manager.

  • Project Estimated Completion Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count the number of projects by their estimated completion date. When you add this dimension and the Projects Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Project dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example, you can count the types of projects per estimated completion date by year, quarter, and month.

  • Project Manager by Project Number — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by project manager and project number.

  • Project Manager from Organization — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups project managers by organization.

  • Project Organization by Project Principal and Project Manager — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by project organization level 1, project organization level 2, project principal, and project manager.

  • Project Organization by Project Type and Project Manager — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by project organization level 1, project organization level 2, project type, and project manager.

  • Project Start Date Calendar — Use this dimension to count the number of projects by their start date. When you add this dimension and the Projects Count measure to a report, yearly, quarterly, and monthly counts display on the report. Use other Project dimensions as the primary sort for the count. For example you can count the types of projects per start date by year, quarter, and month.

  • Project Tree by Number — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by phase and task levels, if available.

  • Project Type by Project Organization and Project Manager — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by project type, project organization level 1, project organization level 2, and project manager.

  • Projects by Billing Client - Contact — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by Project Billing Client and Project Billing Contact. You can also expand to the phase and task levels, if available.

  • Projects by Geography — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by Project Country, Project State, Project City, and Project ZIP-Province. You can also expand to the phase and task levels, if available.

  • Projects by Organization — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by Project Organization. You can also expand to the phase and task levels, if available.

  • Projects by Primary Client - Contact — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups projects by Project Primary Client and Project Primary Contact. You can also expand to the phase and task levels, if available.

  • Tasks by Organization — This is a predefined, collapsed hierarchy that groups tasks by Task Organization.

Location Address Folder


  • Project Location City — This is the city entered for the project on the Location tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Location Country — This is the country entered for the project on the Location tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Location County — This is the county entered for the project on the Location tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Location State — This is the state entered for the project on the Location tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Location Zip-Province Code — This is the ZIP code or province code entered for the project on the Location tab in the Project Info Center.

Multicurrency Folder


This folder applies if you use the Vision Multicurrency feature.

  • Billing Currency Code — This is the three-character code for the billing currency that is assigned at the project level.

  • Phase Functional Currency Code — This is the three-character code for the functional currency that is assigned at the phase level.

  • Project Currency Code — This is the three-character code for the project currency that is assigned at the project level.

  • Project Functional Currency Code — This is the three-character code for the functional currency that is assigned at the project level.

  • Task Functional Currency Code — This is the three-character code for the functional currency that is assigned at the task level.

Phase Folder


  • Phase Biller — The employee who is responsible for creating the Billing invoices for a project. This is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center.
  • Phase Number – Short Name — This is the number and name of the phase combined. This is sorted by number and then name.

  • Phase Organization — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a phase's organization. This is the full organization that is comprised of a combination of all the levels that make up an organization.

  • Phase Org Level 1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a phase's first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a phase's region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Phase Org Level 2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have two or more levels in your organization structure, this is a phase's second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a phase's division.

  • Phase Org Level 3 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have three or more levels in your organization structure, this is a phase's third level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a phase's branch.

  • Phase Org Level 4 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have four or more levels in your organization structure, this is a phase's fourth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a phase's department.

  • Phase Org Level 5 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have five levels in your organization structure, this is a phase's fifth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a phase's principal.

  • Phase Principal — This is the employee entered as the principal-in-charge for the phase on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Phase Project Manager — This is the employee entered as the project manager for the phase on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Phase Responsibility — This is the firm’s level of accountability for the phase that is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Project Responsibility Code Table.

  • Phase Revenue Type — This determines how Vision recognizes revenue for the phase. It is entered on the Accounting tab in the Project Info Center. If tasks are enabled, the value here is N/A.

  • Phase Status — This is the status of the phase record that is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center. Possible values are: Active, Dormant, Inactive, and Purged.

  • Phase Supervisor — This is the employee entered as the supervisor for the phase on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Phase Type — This is the market or type of work for the phase that is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Project Type Code Table.

Project Folder


  • Project Actual Completion Date — This is a project's completion date that is entered on the Dates & Costs tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Bid Date — This is a project's bid date that is entered on the Dates & Costs tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Biller — The employee who is responsible for creating the Billing invoices for a project. This is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Billing Client — This is the client to be billed for a project that is entered in the Billing Client field on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center. This displays the billing client's number and name <number - name>. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.

  • Project Billing Contact — This is the billing contact person that is entered in the Billing Contact field on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Project Charge Type — This is a project's charge type that is entered in the Charge Type field on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center. Charge type determines how labor and expense costs are charged to the project. Project charge types are: Overhead, Promotional and Regular.

  • Project Construction Completion Date — This is a project's construction completion date that is entered on the Dates & Costs tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Contract Date — This is a project's contract date that is entered on the Dates & Costs tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Estimated Completion Date — This is a project's estimated completion date that is entered on the Dates & Costs tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Federal Indicator — This determines whether the project is for an agency or branch of the federal government. Although you can modify this dimension for phases and tasks, for reporting purposes, it is available only at the project level (for performance reasons).

  • Project Is Referable — This determines whether or not the project can be used as a reference. Although you can modify this dimension for phases and tasks, for reporting purposes, it is available only at the project level (for performance reasons).

  • Project Number – Short Name — This is the number and name of the project combined, sorted by number and then name. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.

  • Project Opportunity — This is the opportunity that associated with the project, as entered in the Opportunity field on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Project Organization — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a project's organization. This is the full organization that is comprised of a combination of all the levels that make up an organization.

  • Project Org Level 1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a project's first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a project's region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Project Org Level 2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have two or more levels in your organization structure, this is a project's second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a project's division.

  • Project Org Level 3 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have three or more levels in your organization structure, this is a project's third level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a project's branch.

  • Project Org Level 4 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have four or more levels in your organization structure, this is a project's fourth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a project's department.

  • Project Org Level 5 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have five levels in your organization structure, this is a project's fifth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a project's principal.

  • Project Primary Client — This is the primary client for a project that is entered in the Primary Client field on the General tab of the Project Info Center. You can modify this at the project level only.

  • Project Primary Contact — This is the project's primary contact that is entered in the Primary Contact field on the General tab of the Project Info Center. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.

  • Project Principal — This is the employee who is the principal for the project. This is entered on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Project Professional Services Completion Date — This is a project's professional services completion date that is entered on the Dates & Costs tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Project Manager — This is the employee that is entered as the project manager for the project in the Project Manager field on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Project Promotional Project — This is the promotional project that is associated with a project, as entered in the Promotional Project field on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Project Responsibility — This is your company's level of responsibility on a project, as entered in the Responsibility field on the General tab of the Project Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Project Responsibility code table.

  • Project Revenue Type — This determines how Vision recognizes revenue for a project. It is entered in the Revenue Method field on the Budget & Revenue tab in the Project Info Center. If phases (work breakdown structure 2) are enabled, the value here is N/A.

  • Project Start Date — This is a project's start date that is entered on the Dates & Costs tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Project Status — This is the current status of the project that is entered in the Status field on the General tab of the Project Info Center. Possible values are: Active, Dormant, Inactive, and Purged.

  • Project Supervisor — This is a project's supervisor that is entered on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Project Type — This is the market or type of work for the project that is entered on the General tab of the Project Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Project Type code table.


Project Billing Client Folder

Use the dimensions in this folder if you want a report to include the billing clients for projects.

To produce meaningful report information you must combine Project Billing Client dimensions with other Project dimensions. Combining Project Billing Client dimensions with dimensions from non-Project dimension groups, such as the Opportunities group, does not produce valid information. You can also use the Project Billing Client dimensions with the Project Billing Clients Count measure in the Project Billing Client Measures group.

This folder contains fields that you can use to sort and group (or filter) by for a client. For example, this allows you to select all clients in the Hospital industry, and then see the total billings (or whatever other measure) for those projects.

For the following dimensions, a project's billing client is specified in the Billing Client field on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center. The billing client's information, such as type, status, and address information is retrieved from the General tab of the Client Info Center.


  • Project Billing Client Name — This is the name of a project's billing client as entered in the Name field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Project Billing Client Parent — This is the name of the parent client if a client has a parent/subsidiary relationship. If there is no parent client, "<empty>" displays on the report. See Client Hierarchy Overview for more information.

  • Project Billing Client Primary City — This is the city from the primary address for a project's billing client. It is entered in the City field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Project Billing Client Primary Country — This is the country from the primary address for project's billing client. It is entered in the Country field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. This displays the country code and country description.

  • Project Billing Client Primary State-Province — This is the state or province from the primary address for a project's billing client. It is entered in the State/Province field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. This displays the state or province code and its description.

  • Project Billing Client Primary ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP or post code from the primary address for a project's billing client. It is entered in the ZIP/Postcode field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Project Billing Client Relationship — This is your company's relationship with a project's billing client, as entered in the Relationship field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Client Relationship code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables.

  • Project Billing Client Status — This is the status (Active, Dormant, or Inactive) of a project's billing client, as entered in the Status field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Project Billing Client Type — This is the client type of a project's billing client, as entered in the Type field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Client Type code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables.

  • Project Billing Client User Defined Currency — This is the user-defined currency that is entered in the User Defined Currency field on the General tab of the Client Info Center for a project's billing client if you use the Multicurrency feature and you have at least one custom currency field in the Client Info Center.


Project Primary Client Folder

Use the dimensions in this folder if you want a report to include primary clients for projects.

To produce meaningful report information, you must combine Project Primary Client dimensions with other Project dimensions. Combining Project Primary Client dimensions with dimensions from non-Project dimension groups, such as the Opportunities group, does not produce valid information. You can also use the Project Primary Client dimensions with the Project Primary Clients Count measure in the Project Primary Client Measures group.

For the following dimensions, the project's primary client is specified in the Primary Client field on the General tab of the Project Info Center. The primary client's information, such as status, type, and address information is retrieved from the General tab of the Client Info Center.


  • Project Primary Client Name — This is the name of a project's primary client as entered in the Name field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Project Primary Client Parent — This is the name of the parent client if a client has a parent/subsidiary relationship. If there is no parent client, "<empty>" displays on the report. See Client Hierarchy Overview for more information.

  • Project Primary Client Primary City — This is the city from the primary address for a project's primary client. It is entered in the City field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Project Primary Client Primary Country — This is the country from the primary address for project's primary client. It is entered in the Country field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. This displays the country code and country description.

  • Project Primary Client Primary State-Province — This is the state or province from the primary address for a project's primary client. It is entered in the State/Province field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. This displays the state or province code and its description.

  • Project Primary Client Primary ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP or post code from the primary address for a project's primary client. It is entered in the ZIP/Postcode field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Project Primary Client Relationship — This is your company's relationship with a project's primary client, as entered in the Relationship field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Client Relationship code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables.

  • Project Primary Client Status — This is the status (Active, Dormant, or Inactive) of a project's primary client, as entered in the Status field on the General tab of the Client Info Center.

  • Project Primary Client Type — This is the client type of a project's primary client, as entered in the Type field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Client Type code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables.

  • Project Primary Client User Defined Currency — This is the user-defined currency that is entered in the User Defined Currency field on the General tab of the Client Info Center for a project's primary client if you use the Multicurrency feature and you have at least one custom currency field in the Client Info Center.


Task Folder


  • Task Biller — The employee who is responsible for creating the Billing invoices for a project. This is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Task Number — This is the ID number of the task.

  • Task Number – Short Name — This is the number and name of the task combined, sorted by number and then name.

  • Task Organization — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this dimension allows you to group tasks by their organization. This is the full organization that is comprised of a combination of all the levels that make up an organization.

  • Task Org Level 1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a task's first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a task's region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Task Org Level 2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have two or more levels in your organization structure, this is a task's second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a task's division.

  • Task Org Level 3 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have three or more levels in your organization structure, this is a task's third level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a task's branch.

  • Task Org Level 4 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have four or more levels in your organization structure, this is a task's fourth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a task's department.

  • Task Org Level 5 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have five levels in your organization structure, this is a task's fifth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this us a task's principal.

  • Task Principal — This is the employee entered as the principal-in-charge for the task on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Task Project Manager — This is the employee entered as the project manager for the task on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Task Responsibility — This is the firm’s level of accountability for the task that is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Project Responsibility Code Table.

  • Task Revenue Type — This determines how Vision recognizes revenue for a task and is entered on the Accounting tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Task Status — This is the status of a task that is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center. Possible values are: Active, Dormant, Inactive, and Purged.

  • Task Supervisor-In-Charge — This is the employee entered as the supervisor for a task on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Task Type — This is the market or type of work for a task entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center. Possible values are defined in the Project Type Code Table.

Transaction Dates Group

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Transaction Date dimensions on a report:

  • Values

  • Account Receivables

  • Activities Measures

  • AR Trending

  • Billed

  • Employee Contract Credits (When you combine the Transaction Date dimension with Employees Contract Credits measures, Approved Date from the Contract tab of the Project Info Center is used as the transaction date.)

  • Expenses

  • Labor - Billing

  • Labor - Cost

  • Labor - Employee

  • Plan Expenses

  • Plan Labor

  • Received

  • Revenue - Opportunity

  • Revenue - Plan

  • Revenue - Project

  • Time Analysis


  • Calendar Use this dimension to group by a transaction date's year, quarter, and month.

More Fields Folder


  • Transaction Date — This groups information by the explicitly referenced date on which a transaction is incurred. When you combine the Transaction Date dimension with Employees Contract Credits measures, Vision uses the Approved Date from the Contract tab of the Project Info Center as the transaction date.

  • Transaction Month — This groups information by the month and year of the transaction date (such as January 2012, February 2012, March 2012, and so on).

  • Transaction Month of Year — This groups information by the month of a transaction date (such as January, February, March, and so on), without regard to the transaction year.

  • Transaction Quarter — This groups information by quarter and year for a transaction date (such as Q1 2012, Q2 2012, Q3 2012, Q4 2012, Q1 2013, and so on).

  • Transaction Quarter of Year — This groups information by a transaction date's quarter (the year divided into four equal segments) — Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 — without regard to the specific year.

  • Transaction Year — This groups information by a transaction date's year (such as 2010, 2011, and 2012).

Transaction Types Group

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Transaction Types dimensions on a report:

  • Expenses

  • Labor


  • Transaction Types — This is the two-letter abbreviations and names that describe the transaction processing types available in the Vision Transaction Center.

Units Group

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Unit dimensions on a report:

  • Expenses

  • Plan Expenses


These dimensions are retrieved from fields and the grid on the Units form in the Units Info Center.

  • Unit Billing Currency Code — This is the currency used to bill the units in a unit table that is entered in the Billing Currency field.

  • Unit Cost Currency Code — This is the currency used for costing the units in a unit table that is entered in the Cost Currency field.

  • Unit Number-Name — This displays the number and name of the units as entered in the grid on the Units form for a unit table.

  • Unit Table — This displays a unit table's name from the Units form. Use this dimension as a filter. It does not display meaningful information by itself because within a unit table, you can have a variety of units that have different units of measure.

  • Unit Table - Number - Name — This displays the unit table name and the number and name of the units in a unit table.

  • Unit Type — This is the unit type entered in the Unit Type column of the grid on the Units form.

Vendors Group


  • Primary Address

  • More fields

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The following are valid measure groups that you can use with the Vendor dimensions on a report:

  • Expenses

  • Plan Expenses

  • Project Budgeting


  • Vendors by Geography — This is a predefined hierarchy that groups vendors by their country, state, and city.

  • Vendors by Org — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a vendor's organization. This is the full organization that is comprised of a combination of all the levels that make up an organization.

  • Vendors by Org1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this is a vendor's first level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Vendors by Org2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have two or more levels in your organization structure, this is a vendor's second level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's division.

Primary Address Folder


The values for the following dimensions are entered on the General tab of the Vendor Info Center.

  • Vendor Primary City — This is the city from City field for the primary address for a vendor.

  • Vendor Primary Country — This is the country from the Country field for the primary address for a vendor.

  • Vendor Primary State-Province — This is the state or province from the State/Province field for the primary address for a vendor.

  • Vendor Primary ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP or post code from the Zip/Postcode field for the primary address for a vendor.


The values for the following dimensions are entered on the General tab, Accounting tab, or Additional Info tab of the Vendor Info Center.

  • Vendor 1099 Required — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the 1099 Required check box selected on the Accounting tab and requires a 1099.

  • Vendor is Alaska Native — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Alaska Native check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor is Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Is Disadvantaged Business — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Disadvantaged Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Is HBCU — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the HBCU check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Is Minority Business — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Minority Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Is Small Business — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Small Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Is Veteran Owned Small Business — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Veteran Owned Small Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Is Woman Owned — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Woman Owned check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor — The vendor’s number and name. This is sorted by name. In Vision 7.0, Vendor Number - Name replaced Vendor from earlier versions.

  • Vendor Name — This is the vendor's name entered in the Name field on the General tab. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.

  • Vendor Number - Name —This is the vendor's number and name entered in the Number and Name fields on the General tab. The list of vendors is sorted by vendor number. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension. In Vision 7.0, Vendor Number - Name replaced Vendor from earlier versions.

  • Vendor Payment Terms — This is the setting for vendor payment terms as entered in the Payment Terms field on the Accounting tab.

  • Vendor Prior Work — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Prior Work check box on the General tab is selected. When the check box is selected, the vendor has completed work with your company in the past.

  • Vendor Recommend — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Recommended check box selected on the General tab. When the check box is selected, you recommend the vendor for future work with your company.

  • Vendor Specialty — This is the vendor's specialty entered in the Specialty field on the General tab.

  • Vendor Status — This is a vendor's status (Active, Dormant, or Inactive) entered in the Status field on the General tab.

  • Vendor Type — This is the vendor's type (Consultant, Employee, or Trade) entered in the Type field on the Accounting tab.

  • Vendor User Defined Currency — If you use the Multicurrency feature and you have at least one custom currency field in the Vendor Info Center, this is the user-defined currency for a vendor that is entered in the User Defined Currency field on the General tab.

  • Vendors by Org3 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have three or more levels in your organization structure, this is a vendor's third level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's branch.

  • Vendors by Org4 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have four or more levels in your organization structure, this is a vendor's fourth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's department.

  • Vendors by Org5 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have five levels in your organization structure, this is a vendor's fifth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's principal.

Vendor Paid Group


  • More fields

  • Primary Address

Valid Measure and Dimension Combinations

The only measures that you can use with the Vendor Paid dimensions are the measures from the Vendor Paid measures group.


  • Vendor Paid by Org1 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this groups vendor paid amounts by the first level of a vendor's organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's region. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Vendor Paid by Geography — This is a predefined hierarchy that groups vendor paid amounts by a vendor’s country, state, and city.

  • Vendor Paid by Org2 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this groups vendor paid amounts by the second level of a vendor's organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's division. In a multicompany environment, this level represents the company level.

  • Vendor Paid by Organization — If you use the Organization Reporting feature, this groups vendor paid amounts by a vendor’s organization. This is the full organization that is comprised of a combination of all the levels that make up an organization.

Primary Address Folder

The values for the following dimensions are entered on the General tab of the Vendor Info Center.

You must use the Vendor Paid This Year and Vendor Paid Last Year measures from the Vendors Paid measure group with these Vendor Paid dimensions to produce valid report data. Do not combine the Vendor Paid dimensions with the measures from the Vendor Measures group.

  • Vendor Paid Primary City — This is the city from City field for the primary address for a vendor.

  • Vendor Paid Primary Country — This is the country from the Country field for the primary address for a vendor.

  • Vendor Paid Primary State-Province — This is the state or province from the State/Province field for the primary address for a vendor.

  • Vendor Paid Primary ZIP-Postcode — This is the ZIP or post code from the Zip/Postcode field for the primary address for a vendor.

More Fields Folder


The values for the following dimensions are entered on the General tab, Accounting tab, or Additional Info tab of the Vendor Info Center.

You must use the Vendor Paid This Year and Vendor Paid Last Year measures from the Vendors Paid measure group with these Vendor Paid dimensions to produce valid report data. Do not combine the Vendor Paid dimensions with the measures from the Vendor Measures group.

  • Vendor Enabled Company - <company code - company name> — This applies if you use the Multicompany feature. If a vendor has different accounting information for different companies in your enterprise, you see Vendor Enabled Company - <company code - company name> listed in the PivotTable List for each company that has accounting information for the vendor. This dimension displays for only the vendors that have the Approved for use in processing for Company XX check box on the Accounting tab of the Vendor Info Center selected. This dimension works in combination with the Vendor Paid This Year and Vendor Paid Last Year measures in the Vendor Paid measure group. This dimension allows you to report on the paid-this-year and paid-last-year amounts for a vendor for your different companies.

  • Vendor Paid 1099 Required — This groups vendor paid amounts based on whether or not a vendor has the 1099 Required check box selected on the Accounting tab and requires a 1099.

  • Vendor Paid is Alaska Native — This groups vendor paid amounts base on whether or not a vendor has the Alaska Native check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Paid is Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business — This groups vendor paid amounts base on whether or not a vendor has the Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Paid Is Disadvantaged Business — This groups vendor paid amounts base on whether or not a vendor has the Disadvantaged Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Paid Is HBCU — This groups vendor paid amounts base on whether or not a vendor has the HBCU check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Paid Is Minority Business — This groups vendor paid amounts base on whether or not a vendor has the Minority Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Paid Is Small Business — This groups vendor paid amounts base on whether or not a vendor has the Small Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Paid Is Veteran Owned Small Business — This groups vendor paid amounts base on whether or not a vendor has the Veteran Owned Small Business check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Paid Is Woman Owned — This groups vendor paid amounts base on whether or not a vendor has the Woman Owned check box selected in the Minority Status section of the Additional Info tab.

  • Vendor Paid Name — This is the vendor's name entered in the Name field on the General tab. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.

  • Vendor Paid Number - Name —This is the vendor's number and name entered in the Number and Name fields on the General tab. The list of vendors is sorted by vendor number. See View Vision Records from a Custom Report for more information about this dimension.

  • Vendor Paid Organization Level 3 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have three or more levels in your organization structure, this groups vendor paid amounts by a vendor's third level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's branch.

  • Vendor Paid Organization Level 4 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have four or more levels in your organization structure, this groups vendor paid amounts by a vendor's fourth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's department.

  • Vendor Paid Organization Level 5 — If you use the Organization Reporting feature and you have five levels in your organization structure, this groups vendor paid amounts by a vendor's fifth level of your organization structure. For example, if you have five levels in an organization (Region, Division, Branch, Department, and Principal), this is a vendor's principal.

  • Vendor Paid Payment Terms — This is the setting for vendor payment terms as entered in the Payment Terms field on the Accounting tab.

  • Vendor Paid Prior Work — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Prior Work check box on the General tab is selected. When the check box is selected, the vendor has completed work with your company in the past.

  • Vendor Paid Recommend — This indicates whether or not a vendor has the Recommended check box selected on the General tab. When the check box is selected, you recommend the vendor for future work with your company.

  • Vendor Paid Specialty — This is the vendor's specialty entered in the Specialty field on the General tab.

  • Vendor Paid Status — This is a vendor's status (Active, Dormant, or Inactive) entered in the Status field on the General tab.

  • Vendor Paid Type — This is the vendor's type (Consultant, Employee, or Trade) entered in the Type field on the Accounting tab.

  • Vendor Paid User Defined Currency Code — If you use the Multicurrency feature, this is the user-defined currency that is entered for a vendor in the User Defined Currency field on the General tab of the Vendor Info Center.