International Address Formats

Vision includes settings that you can use to select State, Country, and Address formats to support international clients. You determine these formats in Code Tables Setup and General Company Setup.

Populate Address Fields

When you set up the Country Code Table, you determine what values display in the Country field drop-downs throughout Vision. These values dictate the States/Provinces that display on the State/Province Code Table. You can insert, move, or delete country codes and their configuration from this table. Columns on this table include:

  • Code — Insert the country's code.
  • Description — Enter a description for the country.
  • Display State/Province — Select from one of the following options to determine how the State/Province data associated with this country displays on reports:
    • CodeVision displays the State/Province Code in reports when this country is selected for a record.
    • DescriptionVision displays the State/Province Description in reports when this country is selected for a record.
    • <Do Not Display>Vision does not display the State/Province field on reports when this country is selected for a record.
    • Address Format — Select from Format 1, Format 2, or Format 3 to determine how the formatted address displays on reports for the specified country throughout Vision. See the table below for examples of each format.

Format Address Fields on Reports

Vision uses the Address Format to control the way the address displays on reports for a selected record under the following constraints:

  • If the record’s address is associated with a Country, then the country’s values for Address Format and Display State/Province in the Country Code Table are used.
  • If the Country field is blank for that address, but the address contains a State/Province, then the Address Format and Display State/Province values are determined by the country that the state/province is associated with in the States/Provinces Code Table, and the Address Format and Display State/Province value of that country in the Country Code Table.
  • If the Country and State/Province fields are blank for that address, then the Address Format is determined by the Default Address Format setting in General Company Settings Overview.
Format Address Elements Example

Format 1

(typical United States format)

Address 1

Address 2

Address 3

Address 4

City, State/Province Zip


12 Main St.

Ft. Collins, CO 80526

Format 2

(typical United Kingdom format)

Address 1

Address 2

Address 3

Address 4





Airedale House

Park Road




LS20 8EH


Format 3

(typical European format)

Address 1

Address 2

Address 3

Address 4

Zip State/Province City


Breite Str. 13

71154 Nufringen
