Create a Voucher from a Purchase Order

To create a voucher from a purchase order, you can select one or more purchase orders and one or more line items from the purchase orders. You can do this if you ordered the items or services by using purchase orders that you created in Purchasing, and you have the vendors' invoices.

If the item is an inventory item, you must record its receipt in Purchasing > Receiving before you can create a voucher for it.

If you create the voucher through Transaction Center > Transactions > A/P Voucher, it does not reverse the committed expenses. To reverse committed expenses through this alternative, you must close the whole purchase order.

To create a voucher from one or more purchase orders, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Create Voucher from PO.
  2. On the Select Posting Run dialog box, select a posting run, or click New to create a new one.
  3. In the File Name field on the General tab of the Create Vouchers from PO form, enter or modify the voucher batch file name.
  4. If you want to close a purchase order after all of its items are fully vouchered, select the Close Fully Vouchered POs option.
  5. Click Save. The processing run number displays in the context area, and the other toolbar buttons become active.
  6. Select the vendors for which you want to create vouchers.
  7. On the Vendor Review tab, select the Selected for this run option to enable the tab fields for the current vendor. The vendor's name and number display on the tab.
  8. Enter data into the fields in the header. Deltek recommends that you use the same match method for all of a vendor's vouchers. For inventory items, you must use 3-way Match.
  9. On the Open to Voucher grid, select the line items for the voucher.
  10. In the footer, enter the tax, shipping, or other amounts that are in the vendor's invoice. Prorate them as necessary. If the Vision Inventory feature is enabled, you can click the Default Estimated Costs option to put amounts from the purchase order into these fields.

    The grid displays the collected Payment Amount for all of the selected items, plus tax, shipping, and fees.

  11. Enter or edit the Invoice Amount in the header to match this Payment Amount.
  12. Perform these steps for each vendor.
  13. Click Save to save your selections and complete this processing run later. The next time that you select this processing run, this grid displays any additional purchase orders that are final printed, and whose data matches the criteria for the match method that you specified.
  14. If you want to examine voucher data, click Voucher Review.
  15. On the Voucher Review dialog box, click Post Voucher. The Print posting logs immediately after posting option on the Posting tab in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings determines what happens next.

    If the option is set to Prompt, a message displays to ask if you want to print the posting log. After you respond, Vision posts the voucher, creates a posting log, and prints it if you requested it.

    If your firm uses the Deltek First Vision Essentials cloud version of Vision, printing a posting log will open the Preview window. Use the print option in the Preview window to continue printing.

  16. If Vision does not permit you to continue because the amount to be vouchered does not match the Invoice Amount, use the Voucher Review dialog box to identify the causes of the difference. Vision displays a message that asks you to confirm that you want to proceed.
  17. Click Yes.
  18. After you examine the posting results, click OK.