Bill Processing Overview

After you complete billing setup steps and establish billing terms for projects that you want to bill, you can process invoices to send to your clients.

Billing includes two distinct bill processing features. In Interactive Billing, you review your invoices one at a time, modify the transactions that are to be billed and, if needed, change invoice formatting before processing the final bill. In Batch Billing, you generate and print a group of final or draft invoices at one time. If your firm generates a lot of bills, Deltek recommends that you create draft invoices in Batch Billing and then create final invoices in Interactive Billing.

For invoices that you send to a client, you must enter and post an invoice file.


Record level security defines a user's security rights by assigning access to specific rows of data based on certain criteria.

If your security role is configured with Billing selected under Apply Project access to on the Record Access tab of the Roles form, then the following apply:

  • You can access all projects to which your role has Billing Security rights, such as Allow Delete.
  • If you attempt to select a project that you are not authorized to access, Vision displays a message to explain that your security role does not have access.


If your company uses the Multicurrency feature, there are several considerations you should be aware of related to creating invoices, such as the ability to generate invoices in any currency that has been established in Vision and to manage a project in one currency, but bill the project in a separate currency.


If your company uses the Multicompany feature, there are several considerations you should be aware of related to using Vision Billing. For example, you set up Billing options by company, and lower levels of the Work Breakdown Structure (phases, tasks) for any project may belong to different companies.

During invoice processing, Vision includes for billing all projects owned by the active company. This is true even if the active company that owns a project does not own one or more of the phases or tasks in the WBS or one of the projects in a billing group whose main project is owned by the active company.

If your company uses both Multicompany and Multicurrency, having different elements of the WBS owned by different companies may also have currency implications related to Billing.

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