Checklist: Setting Up Billing

To set up Billing, you perform some company-wide setup steps, then enter billing terms for individual projects.

On a project-by-project basis, you can keep or override many of the company-wide settings.

Step Description Location
1 Set up company-wide invoice and Interactive Billing session options. Configuration > Billing > General
2 Set up company-wide tax codes. Configuration > Accounting > Taxes
3 Establish default billing terms for your projects. Configuration > Billing > Default Terms
4 Establish billing terms to use for project reports at billing rates. Configuration > Billing > Reporting Default Terms
5 Add clients for your projects. Info Center > Clients
6 Add units in unit tables for your projects. Info Center > Units
7 Add projects and associate clients with them. Info Center > Projects
8 Add labor billing tables for your projects. Billing > Rate Tables, then Labor Rates, Labor Codes, or Labor Overrides
9 Add expense tables for your projects. Billing > Rate Tables, then Expense Accounts, Expense Categories, or Expenses by Vendor


Set up billing terms for individual projects. Billing > Billing Terms


Change your invoice template if necessary. Billing > Billing Terms

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