By Labor Code Method

The By Labor Code method calculates labor billings based on the labor code used to charge labor to a project. You assign billing rates to labor codes in a Labor Code Table.

This method lets you assign a rate to a specific work function (for example, Drawings) rather than to an employee. Employees may have several different rates per project.

You can specify different labor code descriptions and/or rates for each project or for each class of projects. An Override Table entry can override the employee’s rate.

Although the rate in the rate table or override table is typically the full billing rate, you can apply up to three multipliers to the rate.

A Labor Code Table or Labor Override Table is required with this method.


The billing extension is calculated as:

Extension = Hours * Rate for the Labor Code * Multiplier(s)

Determination of Rate

To determine the billing rate for an employee, Vision uses the employee billing rate specified in the project's override table, or in the assigned labor code table specified at the time the employee charged time to the project.

Vision follows this hierarchy:

  1. If an override table is associated with the project, and the employee appears in the table with a non-zero rate, Vision uses the employee’s rate specified in the table. Vision also applies any non-zero multipliers to this rate, regardless of the override rate type (Billing, Cost, or Maximum Cost Rate).
  2. If an override table is not associated with the project, if an employee appears in an override table with a zero rate, or if the employee does not appear in the project’s override table, Vision uses the rate associated with the timesheet transaction, as specified in the project’s labor code table. Vision then applies all non-zero multipliers to this rate.
  3. If no override table exists, but a labor code table is associated with the project, Vision uses the rate assigned to the employee in the labor code table.
  4. If neither an override table rate nor a labor code table rate exists for an employee, Vision uses a rate of zero for that employee.