Fee Billing Terms

Fee billing terms control the way that Vision calculates and bills clients for project-related fees. Some contracts allow you to bill clients for professional fees, in addition to or instead of, billing for labor and expenses.

You can bill contract fees in a variety of ways, based on:

As an alternative to defining a total fee, you can also bill clients based on the percent complete of a whole project or of a billing phase of a project (phase billing). This feature allows you bill for lump sum or fixed-price contracts. You can also bill flat, stipulated fees. In phase billing, the total contract fee is the sum of the phase amounts.

Post Fees Based on Billing Category or on Transaction Detail

By default, fee billing amounts are posted to a single billed revenue account. However, you can select these additional options in Billing Setup:

  • Post fee billing amounts based on transaction detail— Fee billing amounts are allocated to labor, consultants, expenses, and units based on the total billing value or total cost of transactions for each of these categories. Those allocated amounts are posted to fee billed revenue accounts associated with each of the categories.
  • Post fee billing amounts based on billing category — If you are using revenue categories, fees are posted to fee billed revenue accounts for each of your revenue categories. If you are not using revenue categories, fees are posted to billed revenue accounts specified for labor, consultants, and expenses. With this option, you enter fee information for the individual billing categories in Billing Terms so that Vision can calculate the posting amounts.

If one of these options is selected in Billing Setup, you can choose, at the project level, to use that option or to post instead to a single default fee billed revenue account. If you do use one of these options for a project, you can override the default revenue accounts specified at the company level.

See the Fee Billed Revenue Posting Options help topic for a more complete description of the fee invoice posting options.

Fee Billing using the Scheduled Billing Feature

The Scheduled Billing feature lets you set up fee-based contracts so that invoices are automatically generated based on scheduled invoicing dates and percent complete or dollar amounts entered in the project's billing terms. You can filter scheduled billings by invoicing date in both Interactive Billing and Batch Billing.

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