Security Settings for Billing

Security for the Billing application is based on user roles. The Vision system administrator determines each role's access to Billing functions and forms.

In Configuration > Security > Roles, the system administrator can:

If your role does not have access to a Billing function, it does not display under Billing in the Navigation menu.

Access to Billing Terms

In Configuration > Security > Roles, your system administrator can control access to billing terms in a variety of ways:

  • If Billing Terms is selected for your role in the list of menu options on the General tab, you have access to all tabs on the Billing Terms form. The selection in the Access column of the Application Record Access grid on the Record Access tab determines your level of access: read only, modify only, add or modify, or full access.
  • If Billing Terms is not selected for your role in the list of menu options on the General tab and Percent Complete is selected for Billing Termsin the Application Record Access grid on the Record Access tab, you can only access Billing Terms from Interactive Billing, Invoice Approvals, or Interactive Approvals, and only if your role has access to those forms. On the Fees tab of the Billing Terms form, you can only enter percent complete and fee-to-date values and click Show Fee to display fee amounts. On the General tab, you can only edit the Description field. You cannot edit other fields on those two tabs or display other Billing Terms tabs.
  • If Billing Terms is not selected for your role in the list of menu options on the General tab and None is selected for Billing Terms in the Application Record Access grid on the Record Access tab, you can view all information on the Fees tab and General tab on the Billing Terms form but cannot update any of that information.

Ability to Process Final Bills from Batch Billing

Your system administrator can grant or block your role's access to process final bills by selecting or not selecting Allow Final Processing from the Accounting tab of Configuration > Security > Roles. Your administrator may allow your role access to certain functions in Batch Billing, such as processing draft bills, but block access to processing final bills.

Ability to Delete Invoices

To delete an invoice from Invoices on File in Interactive Billing, your system administrator must select the Allow Invoices on File to be Deleted option from the Accounting tab of Configuration Security Roles. If this option is not selected, your role cannot delete invoices. Deleting an invoice prevents you from being able to reprint or void the invoice.

Access to Projects

If your role can access the Billing application, your system administrator can still restrict your role's access to certain projects. To do so, the system administrator selects the Apply Project Record Level Security option on the Accounting tab of Security Role Configuration. If this option is not selected, your role can access all projects through Vision Billing.

If your firm uses the Multicompany feature, and your system administrator does not select the Apply Project Record Level Security option, your billing personnel will have access to all projects that have a main billing project belonging to the active company.

Access to Projects that Belong to Billing Groups

From the Accounting tab of Configuration Security Roles, your system administrator can select Apply to Sub Projects in Billing Groups to control your role's access rights to projects that belong to billing groups.

The Apply to Sub Projects in Billing Groups setting works as follows:

  • If your role has this setting, you can view and edit information for all of your accessible main projects, and you can add any sub-project to which you have security access. If your role does not have access to a main project, however, you cannot view the sub-projects, regardless of your rights to access these sub-projects individually.
  • If your role does not have this setting but you have access rights to the main project, you can add any project as a sub-project, regardless of the security of those sub-projects.